Seventeenth TéSA Scientific Seminar

Seventeenth seminar was held on Wednesday, February 24th from 16h to 18h, with presentations by Lorenzo Ortega and Julien Lesouple:Lorenzo Ortega : Robust Standalone GNSS Navigation.Julien Lesouple : Développement de méthodes de détection d’anomalies avec retour...

Quentin Demoulin at EUSIPCO 2020

Conference talk of Quentin Demoulin at EUSIPCO 2020. Watch this video on YouTube.This video is embedded from YouTube. Playing it is subject to Google's privacy...
PhD positions available at TéSA

PhD positions available at TéSA

PhD positions with CNES at TéSA: apply before the 2nd of April 2021.4 subjects available: •  Autonomous time scale in a swarm of satellites using data fusion•  Architecture of a resilient network in a swarm of nanosatellites•  Multi-sensor based navigation for caves...

Corinne Mailhes at IGARSS 2020

Conference talk of Corinne Mailhes at IGARSS 2020. Watch this video on YouTube.This video is embedded from YouTube. Playing it is subject to Google's privacy...

Thomas Verheyde at ION GNSS+ 2020

Conference talk of Thomas Verheyde, TéSA PhD, at ION GNSS+ 2020. Watch this video on YouTube.This video is embedded from YouTube. Playing it is subject to Google's privacy...