Two best poster awards for TéSA

Two best poster awards for TéSA

Congratulations to Hamish (left) and Marta (right) who won a best poster award, one at the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) in Switzerland and the other at ESA-NRSCC (China) Dragon 5 2024 symposium in Portugal!
New co-president of the Scientific Committee

New co-president of the Scientific Committee

Laurent Ferro-Famil (right) from ISAE SUPAERO was elected to join the presidency of the Scientific Committee with Riadh Dhaou (left) from Toulouse INP /IRIT, to replace Antoine Blais (middle) from ENAC who completed his mandate… and remains in the Scientific...
Apply for a PhD in Safran on bayesian estimation of engine mechanical parameters

Apply for a PhD in Safran on bayesian estimation of engine mechanical parameters

Codirection by Toulouse INP & ISAE-Supaero. Details of the PhD subject: Inférence bayésienne pour l’estimation de paramètres mécaniques – appli données modales For further information, send an email to .
12 TéSA papers accepted for EUSIPCO 2024!

12 TéSA papers accepted for EUSIPCO 2024!

The European signal and image processing conference EUSIPCO, bringing together more than 700 researchers in the field, will be held in Lyon in August this year and TéSA will be present in force: 12 papers have been accepted. Good job to everyone !
TéSA scientific seminar

TéSA scientific seminar

No, it was not Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao who came to TéSA to tell us about his famous bounds (thanks Wikipedia for the picture), he unfortunately died in August 2023 at the age of 102 without having had time to visit us! But it was Sarah El Boulch, post-doctoral...