TéSA was well represented at the ICASSP Conference which was held in Florence, Italy, in May 2014. Four papers were accepted and presented by 4 TéSA PhD...
Victor Bissoli is a former TéSA PhD student who defended his PhD last January. He has now found a position at ELTA. Maybe the beginning of TéSA collaborations with...
The 27th of January 2014, Victor Bissoli Nicolau has defended his PhD on “Detection and localisation performances of Search-and-Rescue (SAR) terminals in MEOSAR context”. Congratulations to the French-Brazilian new Doctor!...
PhD subjects available on the CNES site:http://www.cnes.fr/web/CNES-fr/9979-st-sujets-de-theses-systemes-orbitaux-2012.phpOn line application before the 31rst of March. Three subjects for TéSA lab (in French, as in the CNES web site): 2014-038 Systèmes de distribution...