
of TéSA

Congrats to the first HDR of TéSA

On March 4, 2025, Lorenzo Ortega brilliantly defended his Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches (HDR) in front of a jury that praised the richness and level of his work: from left to right in the photo, Patrick DANES, Professor at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, Eric CHAUMETTE, Professor at ISAE-SUPAERO, Cédric RICHARD, Professor at Côte d’Azur University, Audrey GIREMUS, Professor at Bordeaux University, Lorenzo ORTEGA (our new HDR), Jean-Yves TOURNERET, Professor at Toulouse-INP and Nabil EL KORSO, Professor at Paris-Saclay University.

Congratulations Lorenzo for this great defense! A great career is coming for you … and for all those who are lucky enough to work with you 🙂

TéSA scientific seminar

Corentin Lubeigt, postdoctoral fellow at Météo-France and former TéSA doctoral student, came to present an overview and perspectives on weather radars. While his PhD thesis focused on the study of GNSS signals reflected on the ground surface (see picture), he has now turned to weather applications to apply signal processing tools to weather radars. His research topics mainly focus on the analysis and improvement of estimator performance with applications in Earth observation and physical phenomena.

TéSA PhD topics with CNES

Willing to do a PhD? Interested by Space? Join us!

BEFORE March 14, apply online for TéSA thesis subjects at CNES! Seven topics are proposed:

But before applying, do not hesitate to contact the PhD advisor mentioned or the director of TéSA (corinne.mailhes at for more information.

TéSA scientific seminar

Colin Cros, postdoctoral fellow at ISAE-SUPAERO came to talk to us about cooperative positioning algorithms… a subject so fascinating that we forgot to take the traditional picture! This subject was at the heart of his PhD thesis work carried out at GIPSA-Lab in Grenoble, under the supervision of Pierre-Olivier Amblard and Christophe Prieur and financed by TELESPAZIO.

TéSA in the race!

The TéSA team was present at the 10 km of Toulouse Métropole Run Experience: congratulations to the whole team! A great experience, great motivation from everyone and above all great organization from the team leader Gastón! To do again next year!

TéSA scientific seminar

After meeting Ingrid Daubechies (right in the photo) at EUSIPCO 2024, Kareth León-López (left in the photo) presented on the 4th of November her post-doctoral work in the PIRANIA-MMV project, an ANR ASTRID project conducted at TéSA in collaboration with Toulouse INP and NEXEYA HENSOLDT. Her seminar focused on the use of graphs for maritime surveillance: “Graph Laplacian-based Regularization Approach for Detecting Abnormal Ship Behavior on Trajectories”. Thank you Kareth for this great presentation!

Best Student Paper Award in IEEE IGARSS 2024: 1rst et 3rd price for 2 TéSA PhD students!

In addition to having their papers accepted at IEEE IGARSS 2024, Marta Bottani (“A Statistical Method for Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring Using Time-Series of Sentinel-1 Images”) and Jihanne El Haouari (“Estimation of Instrument Spectral Response Functions Using Sparse Representations in a Dictionary”) were among the 10 finalists for the Best Student Paper Award, from 375 submissions… and they won 1st (Marta) and 3rd (Jihanne) prize!!!! A huge congratulations to both of them and great pride for TéSA!

Two best poster awards for TéSA

Congratulations to Hamish (left) and Marta (right) who won a best poster award, one at the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF) in Switzerland and the other at ESA-NRSCC (China) Dragon 5 2024 symposium in Portugal!


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31500 Toulouse


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Toulouse INP
IMT Atlantique