TéSA in Freiburg, Germany

TéSA in Boston

TéSA in Calgary

Eleventh TéSA Scientific Seminar
Antoine Auger : Qualité des Observations pour les systèmes Sensor Webs.
Sylvain Cluzel : Communication IoT low-cost par satellite.
Special seminar, by José Bioucas
Patch-based regularization in multiband imaging inverse problems.

Welcome to our new PhD students & post-docs!

PhD positions available at TéSA
3 subjects available:
• Deep learning for onboard compression of Earth observation images
• Precise low-cost cooperative positioning of mobile in urban environment
• Resource management algorithm for VHTS systems
Do not hesitate to contact the mentioned PhD advisors or TéSA director () for more information.

Happy new year!

Tenth TéSA Scientific Seminar
Tenth seminar was held on Thursday, December 7th from 16h to 18h at TéSA, with presentations by Yoann Couble and Jacques Sombrin:
Yoann Couble : Optimisation de la gestion des ressources de la voie retour d’un satellite multi-faisceaux.
Jacques Sombrin : Les produits d’intermodulation passifs (PIM) dans les charges utiles de satellites de télécommunication.

Activity Report 2015-2016
The TéSA activity report 2015-2016 is available. Feel free to download and enjoy the reading!
7 boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse