
of TéSA

New premises for TéSA

TéSA is happy to welcome you to its new premises, located in Toulouse, 7 Bd de la gare.

TéSA at IEEE ISIT 2014

TéSA at IEEE ISIT 2014 at Hawaii (June 2014) with a paper presented by Tarik Benaddi.

Aerospace Valley

TéSA was present at the Aerospace Valley forum, June 2014 with a poster on Florian Cazes PhD.

TéSA: a task force at IEEE ICASSP 2014

TéSA was well represented at the ICASSP Conference which was held in Florence, Italy, in May 2014. Four papers were accepted and presented by 4 TéSA PhD students.

Victor Bissoli at ELTA

Victor Bissoli is a former TéSA PhD student who defended his PhD last January. He has now found a position at ELTA. Maybe the beginning of TéSA collaborations with ELTA…

A new web site, a new location…

TéSA will move in August to a new location just a few meters from the current one.

Here is the first picture. Others will follow soon…

Victor Bissoli Nicolau becomes Doctor

The 27th of January 2014, Victor Bissoli Nicolau has defended his PhD on “Detection and localisation performances of Search-and-Rescue (SAR) terminals in MEOSAR context”.

Congratulations to the French-Brazilian new Doctor!


CNES PhD subjects available

PhD subjects available on the CNES site:
On line application before the 31rst of March.

Three subjects for TéSA lab (in French, as in the CNES web site):

  • 2014-038 Systèmes de distribution de contenu hybride terrestre/satellite
  • 2014-042 Fiabilisation des transmissions optiques satellites
  • 2014-100 Algorithmes et stratégies d’acquisition pour les signaux de la voie descendante Argos 4

A new web site

TéSA has a new web site!

Take a look to the different sections and give us your feed-back!

A new Director

Since 2013, November the 1rst, Corinne Mailhes is the new Director of TéSA. She is a Signal Processing Professor of INPT and she collaborates with TéSA since its creation.


7 boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse


Thales Alenia Space
Collins Aerospace
Toulouse INP
IMT Atlantique