Sixteenth TéSA Scientific Seminar
Sixteenth seminar was held on Wednesday, March 4th from 16h to 18h at TéSA, with presentations by Amal Boubaker and Kareth León:
Amal Boubaker : On the impact of intrinsic delay variation sources on Iridium LEO constellation.
Kareth León : Learning hidden Markov models for anomaly detection in time series.

PhD position available at TéSA
Contact us as soon as possible for an application before the 15th April 2020.

Happy new year!

Fifteenth TéSA Scientific Seminar
Adrien Thibaud : Répartition équitable des flux dans les named data networking.
Anne-Marie Tobie : Processed 5G signals mathematical models for positioning considering a non-constant propagation channel.

Activity Report 2017-2018

GNSS day

Pau Closas at TéSA
TéSA welcomes its first visiting researcher, Pau Closas, an Assistant Professor at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. He has come to work together with TéSA’s researchers for a period of three weeks in July 2019, on the topic of GNSS signal processing.


Fourteenth TéSA Scientific Seminar
Fourteenth seminar was held on Wednesday, June 5th from 16h to 18h at TéSA, with presentations by Selma Zamoum and Luc Lapierre:
Selma Zamoum : Méthodes d’accès aléatoire pour les communications par satellite.
Luc Lapierre : Traitement d’image appliqué à l’archéologie pour la détection de voie romaine.

Julien Lesouple, Sylvain Cluzel and Simone Urbano become Doctors
7 boulevard de la Gare
31500 Toulouse