
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


Journal Paper

Non-Analytic at the Origin, Behavioural Models for Active or Passive Non-Linearity

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, vol. 5, n°2, pp. 133-140, April, 2013.

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Most nonlinear behavioural models of amplifiers are based on functions that are analytic at the origin and thus can be replaced by their Taylor series development around this point, e.g. polynomials of the input signal. Chebyshev Transforms can be used to compute the harmonic response of the model to a sine input signal. These responses are polynomials of the input signal amplitude. A second application of the Chebyshev transform to the first harmonic response or RF characteristic will lend the carriers and intermodulation (IM) products for a 2-carrier input signal, again polynomials. An important class of non-analytic nonlinear behaviour encountered in practice, such as hard limiters and detectors are either empirically treated or only approximated by an analytic function such as the hyperbolic tangent. This work proposes to generalize the polynomial nonlinearity theory by adding non-analytic at the origin functions that, like polynomials, are invariant elements of the Chebyshev Transform. Devices modelled with these non-analytic at the origin functions exhibit intermodulation behaviour significantly different from that of classical polynomial models, giving theoretical foundation to a number of important unexplained practical measurement observations.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Optimization Criteria for Power Amplifiers

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

Int. Journal of Microwave and Wireless Tech., invited paper, Volume 3, issue 01, pp. 35-45, Feb. 2011.

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This paper describes existing and new criteria for comparison and optimization of non-linear power amplifiers such as RF or microwave transmitters. In addition to intermodulation, receiver noise, and losses in the transmission system, the proposed new criteria take into account efficiency or consumed power. This results in the global optimization of a combined signal-to-noise-plus-intermodulation ratio as a function of saturated or nominal power but also consumed or dissipated power. Saturated power is limited by available technology. Consumed power and dissipated power are some of the main constraints in telecommunication satellite payloads, mobile phone handsets, and RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification). Another constraint comes from the limited size of antennas, which limits the system equivalent isotropic radiated power and gain-to-temperature ratio. With the proposed criteria the designer will be able to compare different amplifier technologies and to optimize the design and operating point of each stage of a multistage amplifier or a linearizer for a given amplifier. Interference from same or other systems is also introduced in the optimization through the use of signal-to-noise-plus-IM-plus-interference ratio criteria.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Conference Paper

Division Réseau Equitable dans les Essaims de Nanosatellites

Authors: Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard and Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. 9èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l'Evaluation de Performance et l'Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication (AlgoTel-CoRes), Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France, May 27-31, 2024.

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Nous proposons de partitionner l’architecture d’un réseau ad-hoc mobile en plusieurs groupes, afin de re-distribuer équitablement la charge entre les membres du réseau. Notre étude porte sur un essaim de nanosatellites fonctionnant commue un télélescope spatial distribué, placé en orbite lunaire. Chaque nanosatellite de l’essaim collecte des données d’observation de l’espace, puis les échange avec les autres membres de l’essaim. Les données recueillies sont ensuite combinées localement afin de produire l’image globale observée par l’essaim. Cependant, un système fondé sur ce mode opératoire est particulièrement sensible aux pertes de paquets et aux pannes d’énergie. En effet, la transmission simultanée d’un important volume de données peut entraîner des problèmes de communication, notamment en surchargeant le canal radio ou en augmentant le risque de collisions, menant dans les deux cas à des pertes de paquets. La consommation énergétique totale de l’essaim est également proportionnelle au nombre de paquets transmis : il faut alors trouver une solution pour limiter le nombre de transmissions afin d’économiser l’énergie des nanosatellites. La principale contribution de ce papier est de proposer une approche basée sur la division équitable du réseau en plusieurs groupes de nanosatellites. Nous comparons les performances de trois algorithmes de division de graphe : Random Node Division (RND), Multiple Independent Random Walks (MIRW), et Forest Fire Division (FFD). Nos résultats montrent que MIRW obtient les meilleurs scores en termes d’équité, peu importe le nombre de groupes produit.

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Networking / Space communication systems

Division réseau équitable dans les essaims de nanosatellites

Authors: Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard and Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. 26èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Téléommunications (AlgoTel-CoRes), Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, France, May 27-31, 2024.

Nous proposons de partitionner l’architecture d’un réseau ad-hoc mobile en plusieurs groupes, afin de re-distribuer équitablement la charge entre les membres du réseau. Notre étude porte sur un essaim de nanosatellites fonctionnant comme un télescope spatial distribué, placé en orbite lunaire. Chaque nanosatellite de l’essaim collecte des données d’observation de l’espace, puis les échange avec les autres membres de l’essaim. Les données recueillies sont ensuite combinées localement afin de produire l’image globale observée par l’essaim. Cependant, un système fondé sur ce mode opératoire est particulièrement sensible aux pertes de paquets et aux pannes d’énergie. En effet, la transmission simultanée d’un important volume de données peut entraîner des problèmes de communication, notamment en surchargeant le canal radio ou en augmentant le risque de collisions, menant dans les deux cas `a des pertes de paquets. La consommation énergétique totale de l’essaim est également proportionnelle au nombre de paquets transmis : il faut alors trouver une solution pour limiter le nombre de transmissions afin d’économiser l’énergie des nanosatellites. La principale contribution de ce papier est de proposer une approche basée sur la division équitable du réseau en plusieurs groupes de nanosatellites. Nous comparons les performances de trois algorithmes de division de graphe : Random Node Division (RND), Multiple Independent Random Walks (MIRW), et Forest Fire Division (FFD). Nos résultats montrent que MIRW obtient les meilleurs scores en termes d’équité, peu importe le nombre de groupes produit.

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Networking / Space communication systems

Discrimination between Noise and Distortion in EVM Measurements

Authors: Sombrin Jacques B., Ros Benjamin and Chaumet Aurélien

In Proc. 2024 102nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), pp. 1-4, San Antonio, TX, USA, 21-24 Jan. 2024.

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EVM (Error Vector Measurement) is used to measure the end-to-end quality of digital communication links. It comes from noise, linear and non-linear distortion, and interference if any. I propose a method to discriminate between random noise that is independent of the signal and distortion that depends on the signal. Interference is more complex to discriminate as it is not random but can be either synchronous with the signal or not. Echoes such as multipath cause linear distortion if they are static. However, variable echoes, such as those created in a reverberation chamber must be treated specifically.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

On the Network Characterization of Nano-Satellite Swarms09

Authors: Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard and Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. 28th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2023), Tunis, Tunisia, 9-12 July, 2023.

Low-frequency radio interferometry is crucial to understanding the universe and its very early days. Unfortunately, most of the current instruments are ground-based and thus impacted by the interferences massively produced by the Earth. To alleviate this issue, scientific missions aim at using Moonorbiting nano-satellite swarms as distributed radio-telescopes in outer space, keeping them out of Earth interference range. However, swarms of nano-satellites are systems with complex dynamics and need to be appropriately characterized to achieve their scientific mission. This paper presents a methodology based on graph theory for characterizing the swarm network system by computing graph theory metrics around three properties: the node density, network connectivity and ISL availability. We show that these properties are well-suited for highlighting a possible heterogeneity in a network and adapt a routing strategy accordingly. This work is the first milestone in defining the best-suited routing strategy within the swarm from the derived network properties.

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Networking / Space communication systems

Fair Network Division of Nano-satellite Swarms

Authors: Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard and Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Florence, Italy, June 2023.

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We address the problem of partitioning a network of nano-satellites to distribute fairly the network load under energy consumption constraints. The study takes place in a context where this swarm of nano-satellites orbits the Moon and works as, but not limited to, a distributed radio-telescope for low-frequency radio interferometry. During an interferometry mission, each nano-satellite collects observation data, then shares them with the other swarm members to compute a global image of space. However, the simultaneous transmission of large volumes of data can cause communication issues by overloading the radio channel, leading to potential packet loss. In this context, we investigate three division algorithms based on graph sampling techniques. We prove that random walk-based algorithms overall perform the best in terms of conservation of graph properties and fairness for group sizes down to 10% of the original graph.

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Networking / Space communication systems

RF Telecommunication Systems Characterization and Optimization

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. Indo-French Workshop on Microwave and Photonic Technologies (WS ITM), Madras, India, February 20-22, 2023.

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Digital communications / Space communication systems

A Complete SSA Scheme for a Sustainable Low Earth Orbit: Space DATA Aggregation and AI Combined with In Orbit Inspection

Authors: Zamoum Selma, Huuson Thomas, Kebe Fatoumata, Barthélémy Mathieu, Gigleux Benjamin, Sombrin Jacques B. and Durand-Carrier Franck

In Proc. Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference (AMOS), Maui, Hawaï-USA, September 27-30, 2022.

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The exponential increase in the number of satellites along with the hazards of the space environment they encounter endangers the sustainability of low earth orbit (LEO). The consequences of events such as collisions, fragmentations and fatal failures are then becoming more than ever a threat to any kind of space activity. Therefore, the space situational awareness is of utter importance in all its aspects, i.e., assessing and predicting the risks from space weather and SST (Space Surveillance and Tracking), in addition to implementing mitigation measures. In this context, this paper covers the benefits of in-orbit inspection combined with the aggregation and processing of existing space data, proposed by the French company SpaceAble for low earth orbit sustainability. Collision risk awareness for a LEO constellation is raised in this paper through the analysis of the conjunction risks of the Starlink constellation. An inspection plan is also derived in terms of the number of inspections for different scenarios, and with respect to different LEO altitudes.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Effective AM/AM and AM/PM curves derived from EVM simulations or measurements on constellations

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. 99th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference, Denver, Colorado USA, June 24th, 2022.

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Non-linear amplifiers distort signal constellations through their amplitude (AM/AM) and phase (AM/PM) curves versus input amplitude. This causes an increase in the average Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) of the amplified signal. Most commercial EVM simulation software and measurement devices display the ideal and distorted constellations. When computing separate EVMs for each value of ideal symbol power, it is possible to obtain a representation of the effect of AM/AM and AM/PM curves on the constellation. A new type of display, with the distorted constellation folded up on the real axis, is proposed to get a direct representation of the amplifier non-linearity. This can also be used for nonlinear equalization of the signal to improve the EVM.

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Digital communications / Space communication systems


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