
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


Conference Paper

Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation Using a 3D GNSS Simulator for Positioning in MP/NLOS Conditions

Authors: Kbayer Nabil, Sahmoudi Mohamed, Ortega Gonzàlez Héctor and Rouch Cédric

nIn Proc. Institute of Navigation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ION GNSS), Portland, USA, Septembre 25-29, 2017.

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Recent trends in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) applications in urban environments have led to a proliferation of studies in this field that seek to mitigate the adverse effect of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) phenomena. However, these methods reduce the availability of positioning in deep urban conditions. For such harsh urban settings, this paper proposes a methodology of constructive use of NLOS signals, instead of their elimination. We propose to compensate for the NLOS errors using a 3D GNSS simulator to predict the measurements bias and integrate them as observations in the estimation method. We investigate a novel GNSS positioning technique based on measurement similarity scoring of an array of position candidates. We improve this technique using an estimation of the uncertainty on the bias prediction by 3D modeling. Experiment results using real GNSS data in a deep urban environment confirm the theoretical sub-optimal efficiency of the proposed approach, despite it intensive computational load.

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Signal and image processing / Localization and navigation

Making H-ARQ Suitable for a Mobile TCP Receiver over LEO Satellite Constellations

Authors: Tauran Bastien, Lochin Emmanuel, Lacan Jérôme, Arnal Fabrice, Gineste Mathieu, Clarac Laurence and Kuhn Nicolas

In Proc. 9th EAI International Conference on Wireless ans Satellite Systems (PSATS), Oxford, United Kingdom, September 14-15, 2017.

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This paper investigates strategies to carry out delay tolerant services over LEO satellite constellations for mobile receiver. In this context, LEO constellations are characterized by important delay variations where propagation impairments are mostly localized on the Land Mobile Satellite (LMS) channel (i.e. on the last hop). To cope with this issue, distinct reliability schemes can be introduced at the physical or link layers. Although their capacity to cope with transmission errors has been demonstrated, these recovery schemes may induce a high jitter that could severely damage TCP's internal timers and reliability schemes. As a matter of fact, transport and link layers’ reliability schemes exhibit a clear discrepancy. Following temporal traces representing the delay between a mobile terminal and the last hop satellite from a LEO constellation, we assess how HARQ mechanisms impact on the RTO based retransmission and the duplicate acknowledgments of TCP. Based on ns-2 simulations, we propose a layer-2 buffer that let both link and transport layers to conjointly perform. Our evaluations show an end-to-end data rate increase and more generally illustrate the benefit of re-ordering packets at the link layer when link-layer erasure coding recovery mechanisms are used conjointly with TCP.

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Networking / Space communication systems

Cardiac Motion Estimation in Ultrasound Images using Spatial and Sparse Regularizations

Authors: Ouzir Nora, Basarab Adrian and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. EEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017.

This paper investigates a new method for cardiac motion estimation in 2D ultrasound images. The motion estimation problem is formulated as an energy minimization with spatial and sparse regularizations. In addition to a classical spatial smoothness constraint, the proposed method exploits the sparse properties of the cardiac motion to regularize the solution via an appropriate dictionary learning step. The proposed method is evaluated in terms of motion estimation and strain accuracy and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms using a dataset of realistic simulations. These simulation results show that the proposed method provides very promising results for myocardial motion estimation.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

High-Resolution Spectral Image Reconstruction based on Compressed Data Fusion

Authors: Espitia Oscar, Arguello Fuentes Henry and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. EEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Un algorithme de reconstruction dans le cas d’un échantillonnage non ponctuel, périodique ou non

Authors: Bonacci David and Lacaze Bernard

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Juan-Les-Pins, France, September 5-8, 2017.

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Les composants électroniques destinés à l’échantillonnage haute fréquence des signaux ont des temps de réponse susceptibles de dégrader les performances des algorithmes de reconstruction. Dans cet article, on considère un signal échantillonné par un composant modélisé par un filtre linéaire invariant activé à des instants potentiellement irréguliers et qui forment une suite vérifiant la condition de Landau (généralisation de la condition de Nyquist). On étudie les conséquences des imperfections des échantillonneurs dans la reconstruction du signal et dans l’estimation de l’enveloppe et de la phase.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Sur l’égalisation fréquentielle des modulations à phase continue

Authors: Chayot Romain, Thomas Nathalie, Poulliat Charly, Boucheret Marie-Laure, Van Wambeke Nicolas and Lesthievent Guy

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Juan-Les-Pins, France, September 5-8, 2017.

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Dans cet article, nous proposons d’étudier différents algorithmes d’égalisation pour signaux à Modulation de Phase Continue (continuous phase modulation, CPM) dans le domaine fréquentiel à l’aide d’une représentation polyphase du signal. Par cette approche unifiée, nous montrons l’équivalence analytique de ces égaliseurs sous certaines hypothèses liées au canal de transmission, les liens, ainsi que leurs limitations dans certains cas.

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Digital communications / Aeronautical communication systems and Space communication systems

Tissue Motion Estimation using Dictionary Learning : Application to Cardiac Amyloidosis

Authors: Ouzir Nora, Lairez Olivier, Basarab Adrian and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Washington, September 6-9, 2017.

Cardiac strain estimation from ultrasound images is an efficient tool for the diagnosis of cardiac diseases. This study focuses on cardiac amyloidosis, a pathology characterized by non-specific early symptoms such as the increased wall thickness. Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that patients with cardiac amyloidosis present an apex-to-base gradient longitudinal strain pattern, i.e., a normal strain in apex and abnormally lower values for base segments. Existing cardiac motion estimation methods belong to three categories based on optical flow, speckle tracking and elastic registration. To overcome the ill-posedness of motion estimation, they use local parametric models (e.g., affine) or global regularizations (e.g., B-splines). The objective of this study is to evaluate a recently proposed cardiac motion estimation method based on dictionary learning on patients subjected to cardiac amyloidosis.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Une approche distribuée asynchrone pour la factorisation en matrices non-négatives - Application au démélange hyperspectral

Authors: Thouvenin Pierre-Antoine, Dobigeon Nicolas and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. 26eme Colloque sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Juan-les-Pins, France, September 5-8, 2017.

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Le démélange d’images hyperspectrales est un exemple particulier du problème de factorisation en matrices non-négatives (NMF) qui consiste à identifier les signatures spectrales d’un milieu imagé ainsi que leurs proportions dans chacun des pixels. Toutefois, le nombre important de pixels composant ces images peut s’avérer contraignant en termes de mémoire ou de temps de calcul, ce qui peut motiver le développement de techniques d’estimation distribuées (entre plusieurs processeurs et/ou plusieurs machines). Dans cette perspective, nous proposons une approche distribuée du problème de démélange, basée sur de récentes avancées en optimisation distribuée asynchrone inspirées de l’algorithme proximal alternating linearized minimization (PALM). L’intérêt d’une estimation asynchrone par rapport à une procédure synchrone est illustré dans ce contexte sur des données synthétiques.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

A General Non-Smooth Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Scheme Using Bayesian Proximity Operator Calculation

Authors: Chaari Lotfi, Batatia Hadj and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. European Signal and Image Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos Islands, Greece, August 28-September 2, 2017.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Unmixing multitemporal hyperspectral images accounting for smooth and abrupt variations

Authors: Thouvenin Pierre-Antoine, Dobigeon Nicolas and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. European Signal and Image Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos Islands, Greece, August 28-September 2, 2017.

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A classical problem in hyperspectral imaging, referred to as hyperspectral unmixing, consists in estimating spectra associated with each material present in an image and their proportions in each pixel. In practice, illumination variations (e.g., due to declivity or complex interactions with the observed materials) and the possible presence of outliers can result in significant changes in both the shape and the amplitude of the measurements, thus modifying the extracted signatures. In this context, sequences of hyperspectral images are expected to be simultaneously affected by such phenomena when acquired on the same area at different time instants. Thus, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian model to simultaneously account for smooth and abrupt spectral variations affecting a set of multitemporal hyperspectral images to be jointly unmixed. This model assumes that smooth variations can be interpreted as the result of endmember variability, whereas abrupt variations are due to significant changes in the imaged scene (e.g., presence of outliers, additional endmembers, etc.). The parameters of this Bayesian model are estimated using samples generated by a Gibbs sampler according to its posterior. Performance assessment is conducted on synthetic data in comparison with state-of-the-art unmixing methods.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation


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