
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


Journal Paper

New Indices of Coherence for One and Two-Dimensional Fields

Author: Lacaze Bernard

ArXiv Optics, 1603.02420, September, 2016.

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The modern definition of optical coherence highlights a frequency dependent function based on a matrix of spectra and cross-spectra. Due to general properties of matrices, such a function is invariant in changes of basis. In this article, we attempttomeasuretheproximityoftwostationaryfieldsbya real and positive number between 0 and 1. The extremal values will correspond to uncorrelation and linear dependence, similartoacorrelationcoefficientwhichmeasureslinearlinks between two random variables. We show that these ”indices of coherence” are generally not symmetric, and not unique. We study and we illustrate this problem together for onedimensional and two-dimensional fields in the framework of stationary processes.

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Signal and image processing / Other

Conference Paper

Bayesian Estimation for the Local Assessment of the Multifractality Parameter of Multivariate Time Series

Authors: Combrexelles Sébastien, Wendt Herwig, Altmann Yoann, Tourneret Jean-Yves, McLaughlin Stephen and Abry Patrice

In Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, August 29-September 02, 2016.

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Multifractal analysis (MF) is a widely used signal processing tool that enables the study of scale invariance models. Classical MF assumes homogeneous MF properties, which cannot always be guaranteed in practice. Yet, the local estimation of MF parameters has barely been considered due to the challenging statistical nature of MF processes (non-Gaussian, intricate dependence), requiring large sample sizes. This present work addresses this limitation and proposes a Bayesian estimator for local MF parameters of multivariate time series. The proposed Bayesian model builds on a recently introduced statistical model for leaders (i.e., specific multiresolution quantities designed for MF analysis purposes) that enabled the Bayesian estimation of MF parameters and extends it to multivariate non-verlapping time windows. It is formulated using spatially smoothing gamma Markov random field priors that counteract the large statistical variability of estimates for short time windows. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art estimators.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

On a Fixed-Point Algorithm for Structured Low-Rank Approximation and Estimation of Half-Life Parameters

Authors: Andersson Frederik, Carlsson Marcus and Wendt Herwig

In Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Budapest, Hungary, August 29-September 02, 2016.

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We study the problem of decomposing a measured signal as a sum of decaying exponentials. There is a direct connection to sums of these types and positive semi-definite (PSD) Hankel matrices, where the rank of these matrices equals the number of exponentials. We propose to solve the identification problem by forming an optimization problem with a misfit function combined with a rank penalty function that also ensures the PSD-constraint. This problem is non-convex, but we show that it is possible to compute the minimum of an explicit closely related convexified problem. Moreover, this minimum can be shown to often coincide with the minimum of the original non-convex problem, and we provide a simple criterion that enables to verify if this is the case.

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Signal and image processing / Aeronautical communication systems

Journal Paper

Joint Segmentation and Deconvolution of Ultrasound Images Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Model Based on Generalized Gaussian Priors

Authors: Zhao Ningning, Basarab Adrian, Kouamé Denis and Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions Image Processing, vol. 25, n° 8, pp. 3736-3750, August, 2016.

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This paper proposes a joint segmentation and deconvolution Bayesian method for medical ultrasound (US) images. Contrary to piecewise homogeneous images, US images exhibit heavy characteristic speckle patterns correlated with the tissue structures. The generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) has been shown to be one of the most relevant distributions for characterizing the speckle in US images. Thus, we propose a GGD-Potts model defined by a label map coupling US image segmentation and deconvolution. The Bayesian estimators of the unknown model parameters, including the US image, the label map, and all the hyperparameters are difficult to be expressed in a closed form. Thus, we investigate a Gibbs sampler to generate samples distributed according to the posterior of interest. These generated samples are finally used to compute the Bayesian estimators of the unknown parameters. The performance of the proposed Bayesian model is compared with the existing approaches via several experiments conducted on realistic synthetic data and in vivo US images.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Fast Single Image Super-Resolution using a New Analytical Solution for l2-l2 Problems

Authors: Zhao Ningning, Basarab Adrian, Dobigeon Nicolas, Kouamé Denis and Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions Image Processing, vol. 25, n° 8, pp. 3683-3697, August, 2016.

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This paper addresses the problem of single image super-resolution (SR), which consists of recovering a high- resolution image from its blurred, decimated, and noisy version. The existing algorithms for single image SR use different strate- gies to handle the decimation and blurring operators. In addition to the traditional first-order gradient methods, recent techniques investigate splitting-based methods dividing the SR problem into up-sampling and deconvolution steps that can be easily solved. Instead of following this splitting strategy, we propose to deal with the decimation and blurring operators simultaneously by taking advantage of their particular properties in the frequency domain, leading to a new fast SR approach. Specifically, an analytical solution is derived and implemented efficiently for the Gaussian prior or any other regularization that can be formulated into an l2 -regularized quadratic model, i.e., an l2 –l2 optimization problem. The flexibility of the proposed SR scheme is shown through the use of various priors/regularizations, ranging from generic image priors to learning-based approaches. In the case of non-Gaussian priors, we show how the analytical solution derived from the Gaussian case can be embedded into traditional splitting frameworks, allowing the computation cost of existing algorithms to be decreased significantly. Simulation results conducted on several images with different priors illustrate the effectiveness of our fast SR approach compared with existing techniques.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Conference Paper

Adaptive Mean Shift Based Hemodynamic Brain Parcellation in fMRI

Authors: Albughdadi Mohanad Y.S., Chaari Lotfi and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. International Conference on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality (MIAR), Bern, Switzerland, August 24-26, 2016.

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One of the remaining challenges in event-related fMRI is to discriminate between the vascular response and the neural activity in the BOLD signal. This discrimination is done by identifying the hemodynamic territories which differ in their underlying dynamics. In the literature, many approaches have been proposed to estimate these underlying dynamics, which is also known as Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF). However, most of the proposed approaches depend on a prior information regarding the shape of the parcels (territories) and their number. In this paper, we propose a novel approach which relies on the adaptive mean shift algorithm for the parcellation of the brain. A variational inference is used to estimate the unknown variables while the mean shift is embedded within a variational expectation maximization (VEM) framework to allow for estimating the parcellation and the HRF profiles without having any prior information about the number of the parcels or their shape. Results on synthetic data confirms the ability of the proposed approach to estimate accurate HRF estimates and number of parcels. It also manages to discriminate between voxels in different parcels especially at the borders between these parcels. In real data experiment, the proposed approach manages to recover HRF estimates close to the canonical shape in the bilateral occipital cortex.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

A Data-Driven Approach to Detect Faults in the Airbus Flight Control System

Authors: Goupil Philippe, Urbano Simone and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. 20th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace (ACA), Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, August 21-25, 2016.

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This paper presents a data-driven strategy for the detection of failures impacting the flight control system. Early and robust detection of Oscillatory Failure Case (OFC) allows the aircraft structural design to be optimized, which in turn helps improve the aircraft environmental footprint thanks to weight saving. Compared to existing model-based techniques already used on in-service Airbus aircraft, this paper studies a novel signal processing approach based on distance and correlation. It is shown that a mixed similarity index between Euclidean distance and logarithmic invariant divergence gives promising detection results. This paper details the proposed approach by insisting on practical constraints due to implementation in embedded real-time systems such as the flight control computer. Preliminary results obtained from a Verification & Validation (V&V) on-going campaign are presented.

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Signal and image processing / Aeronautical communication systems and Space communication systems

Journal Paper

Estimating the Intrinsic Dimension of Hyperspectral Images Using a Noise Whitened EIGEN-GAP Approach

Authors: Halimi Abderrahim, Honeine Paul, Kharouf Malika, Richard Cédric and Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, n° 16, pp. 3811-3821, July, 2016.

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Linear mixture models are commonly used to represent a hyperspectral data cube as linear combinations of endmember spectra. However, determining the number of endmembers for images embedded in noise is a crucial task. This paper proposes a fully automatic approach for estimating the number of endmembers in hyperspectral images. The estimation is based on recent results of random matrix theory related to the so-called spiked population model. More precisely, we study the gap between successive eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix constructed from high-dimensional noisy samples. The resulting estimation strategy is fully automatic and robust to correlated noise owing to the consideration of a noise-whitening step. This strategy is validated on both synthetic and real images. The experimental results are very promising and show the accuracy of this algorithm with respect to state-of-the-art algorithms.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Spatio-spectral Regularization to Improve Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Quantification

Authors: Laruelo Andrea, Chaari Lotfi, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Batatia Hadj, Ken Soleakhena, Rowland Ben and Laprie Anne

NMR in Biomedicine, vol. 29, Issue 7, pp.918-931, July 2016.

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Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) is a non-invasive technique able to provide the spatial distribu- tion of relevant biochemical compounds commonly used as biomarkers of disease. Information provided by MRSI can be used as a valuable insight for the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of several diseases such as cancer or neurological disorders. Obtaining accurate metabolite concentrations from in vivo MRSI signals is a crucial require- ment for the clinical utility of this technique. Despite the numerous publications on the topic, accurate quantification is still a challenging problem due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the data, overlap of spectral lines and the pres- ence of nuisance components. We propose a novel quantification method, which alleviates these limitations by exploiting a spatio-spectral regularization scheme. In contrast to previous methods, the regularization terms are not expressed directly on the parameters being sought, but on appropriate transformed domains. In order to quan- tify all signals simultaneously in the MRSI grid, while introducing prior information, a fast proximal optimization al- gorithm is proposed. Experiments on synthetic MRSI data demonstrate that the error in the estimated metabolite concentrations is reduced by a mean of 41% with the proposed scheme. Results on in vivo brain MRSI data show the benefit of the proposed approach, which is able to fit overlapping peaks correctly and to capture metabolites that are missed by single-voxel methods due to their lower concentrations.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Conference Paper

Distributed Boosting for Cloud Detection

Authors: Le Goff Matthieu, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Wendt Herwig, Ortner Mathias and Spigai Marc

In Proc. IEEE Int. Geoscience Remote Sens. Symp. (IGARSS), Beijing, China, July 10-15, 2016.

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The SPOT 6-7 satellite ground segment includes a systematic and automatic cloud detection step in order to feed a catalogue with a binary cloud mask and an appropriate confidence measure. In order to significantly improve the SPOT cloud detection and get rid of frequent manual re-labelings, we study a new automatic cloud detection technique that is adapted to large datasets. The proposed method is based on a modified distributed boosting algorithm. Experiments conducted using the framework Apache Spark on a SPOT 6 image database with various landscapes and cloud coverage show promising results.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation


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