
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


Conference Paper

A Bayesian Approach for the Multifractal Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Data

Authors: Combrexelles Sébastien, Wendt Herwig, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Altmann Yoann, McLaughlin Stephen and Abry Patrice

In Proc. Int. Conf. Systems, Signals and ImageProces. (IWSSIP), Bratislava, Slovakia, May 23-25, 2016.

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Multifractal (MF) analysis enables the theoretical study of scale invariance models and their practical assessment via wavelet leaders. Yet, the accurate estimation of MF parameters remains a challenging task. For a range of applications, notably biomedical, the performance can potentially be improved by taking advantage of the multivariate nature of data. However, this has barely been considered in the context of MF analysis. This paper proposes a Bayesian model that enables the joint estimation of MF parameters for multivariate time series. It builds on a recently introduced statistical model for leaders and is formulated using a 3D gamma Markov random field joint prior for the MF parameters of the voxels of spatio-temporal data, represented as a multivariate time series, that counteracts the statistical variability induced by small sample size. Numerical simulations indicate that the proposed Bayesian estimator significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art algorithms.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation


Projected Nesterov’s Proximal-Gradient Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery

Author: Dogandzic Aleksandar

Seminars of TeSA, Toulouse, May 23, 2016.

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I will describe a projected Nesterov’s proximal-gradient (PNPG) approach for sparse signal reconstruction. The objective function that we wish to minimize is a sum of a convex differentiable data-fidelity (negative log-likelihood (NLL)) term and a convex regularization term. We apply sparse signal regularization where the signal belongs to a closed convex set within the closure of the domain of the NLL; the convex-set constraint facilitates flexible NLL domains and accurate signal recovery. Signal sparsity is imposed using the ℓ₁-norm penalty on the signal's linear transform coefficients or gradient map, respectively. The PNPG approach employs projected Nesterov's acceleration step with restart and an inner iteration to compute the proximal mapping. We propose an adaptive step-size selection scheme to obtain a good local majorizing function of the NLL and reduce the time spent backtracking. Thanks to step-size adaptation, PNPG does not require Lipschitz continuity of the gradient of the NLL. We establish O(k⁻²) convergence of the PNPG scheme; our convergence-rate analysis accounts for inexactness of the iterative proximal mapping. The tuning of PNPG is largely application-independent. Tomographic and compressed-sensing reconstruction experiments with Poisson generalized linear and Gaussian linear measurement models demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach.

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Signal and image processing / Other

Conference Paper

Improving Spacecraft Health Monitoring with Automatic Anomaly Detection Techniques

Authors: Fuertes Sylvain, Picart Gilles, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Chaari Lotfi, Ferrari André and Richard Cédric

In Proc. International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps), Daejeon, Korea, May 16-20, 2016.

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Health monitoring is performed on CNES spacecraft using two complementary methods: an utomatic Out-Of-Limits (OOL) checking executed on a set of critical parameters after each new telemetry reception, and a monthly monitoring of statistical features (daily minimum, mean and maximum) of another set of parameters. In this paper we present the limitations of this monitoring system and we introduce an innovative anomaly detection method based on machine-learning algorithms, developed during a collaborative R&D action between CNES and TESA (TElecommunications for Space and Aeronautics). This method has been prototyped and has shown encouraging results regarding its ability to detect actual anomalies that had slipped through the existing monitoring net. An operational-ready software implementing this method, NOSTRADAMUS, has been developed in order to further evaluate the interest of this new type of surveillance, and to consolidate the settings proposed after the R&D action. The lessons learned from the operational assessment of this system for the routine surveillance of CNES spacecraft are also presented in this paper.

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Signal and image processing / Aeronautical communication systems and Space communication systems

Journal Paper

Detection and Correction of Glitches in a Multiplexed Multi-channel Data Stream – Application to the MADRAS Instrument

Authors: Wendt Herwig, Dobigeon Nicolas, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Albinet Mathieu, Goldstein Christophe and Karouche Nadia

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, n° 5, pp. 2803-2811, May, 2016.

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This paper presents a new strategy to correct the Earth data corrupted by spurious samples that are randomly included in the multiplexed data stream provided by the MADRAS instrument. The proposed strategy relies on the construction of a trellis associated with each scan of the multi-channel image, modeling the possible occurrences of these erroneous data. A specific weight that promotes the smooth behavior of the signals recorded in each channel is assigned to each transition between trellis states. The joint detection and correction of the erroneous data are conducted using a dynamic programming algorithm for minimizing the overall cost function throughout the trellis. Simulation results obtained on synthetic and real MADRAS data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Bayesian Estimation of Smooth Altimetric Parameters: Application to Conventional and Delay/Doppler Altimetry

Authors: Halimi Abderrahim, Mailhes Corinne, Tourneret Jean-Yves and Snoussi Hichem

IEEE Trans. Geosci. and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, n°4, pp. 2207-2219, April, 2016.

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This paper proposes a new Bayesian strategy for the smooth estimation of altimetric parameters. The altimetric signal is assumed to be corrupted by a thermal and speckle noise distributed according to an independent and non-identically Gaussian distribution. We introduce a prior enforcing a smooth temporal evolution of the altimetric parameters which improves their physical interpretation. The posterior distribution of the resulting model is optimized using a gradient descent algorithm which allows us to compute the maximum a posteriori estimator of the unknown model parameters. This algorithm has a low computational cost that is suitable for real-time applications. The proposed Bayesian strategy and the corresponding estimation algorithm are evaluated using both synthetic and real data associated with conventional and delay/Doppler altimetry. The analysis of real Jason-2 and CryoSat-2 waveforms shows an improvement in parameter estimation when compared to state-of-the-art estimation algorithms.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Conference Paper

MRSI Data Unmixing Using Spatial and Spectral Priors in Transformed Domains

Authors: Laruelo Andrea, Chaari Lotfi, Ken Soleakhena, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Batatia Hadj and Laprie Anne

In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Prague, Czech Republic, April 13-16, 2016.

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In high-grade gliomas, the tumor boundaries and the degree of infiltration are difficult to define due to their heterogeneous composition and diffuse growth pattern. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) is a non-invasive technique able to provide information on brain tumor biology not available from conventional anatomical imaging. In this paper we propose a blind source separation (BSS) algorithm for brain tissue classification and visualization of tumor spread using MRSI data. The proposed algorithm imposes relaxed non-negativity in the direct domain along with spatial-spectral regularizations in a transformed domain. The optimization problem is efficiently solved in a two-step approach using the concept of proximity operators. Vertex component analysis (VCA) is proposed to estimate the number of sources. Comparisons with state-of-the-art BSS algorithms on in-vivo MRSI data show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The presented method provides patterns that can easily be related to a specific tissue (normal, tumor, necrosis, hypoxia, edema or infiltration). Unlike other BSS methods dedicated to MRSI data, it can handle spectra with negative peaks and results are not sensitive to the initialization strategy. In addition, it is robust against noisy or bad-quality spectra.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Multi-subject Joint Parcellation Detection Estimation in functional MRI

Authors: Albughdadi Mohanad Y.S., Chaari Lotfi, Forbes Florence, Tourneret Jean-Yves and Ciuciu Philippe

In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Prague, Czech Republic, April 13-16, 2016.

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fMRI experiments are usually conducted over a population of interest for investigating brain activity across different regions stimuli and objects. Multi-subject analysis proceeds in two steps, intra-subject analysis is performed sequentially on each individual and then group-level analysis is addressed to report significant results at the population level. This paper considers an existing Joint Parcellation Detection Estimation (JPDE) model which performs joint hemodynamic parcellation, brain dynamics estimation and evoked activity detection. The hierarchy of the JPDE model is extended for multi-subject analysis in order to perform group-level parcellation. Then, the corresponding underlying dynamics is estimated in each parcel while the detection and estimation steps are iterated over each individual. Validation on synthetic and real fMRI data shows its robustness in inferring the group-level parcellation and the corresponding hemodynamic profiles.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Super-Resolution of Medical Ultrasound Images Using a Fast Algorithm

Authors: Zhao Ningning, Wei Qi, Basarab Adrian, Kouamé Denis and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Prague, Czech Republic, April 13-16, 2016.

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This paper addresses the problem of super-resolution (SR) for medical ultrasound (US) images. Contrary to device-based approaches, we investigate a post-processing method to invert the direct linear model of US image formation. Given the ill-posedness of single image SR, we proposed an ℓp-norm (1 ≤ p ≤ 2) regularizer for the US tissue reflectivity function/image to be estimated. To solve the associated optimization problem, we propose a novel way to explore the decimation and blurring operators simultaneously. As a consequence, we are able to compute the analytical solution for the ℓ2-norm regularized SR problem and to embed the analytical solution to an alternating direction method of multipliers for the ℓp-norm regularized SR problem. The behavior of the proposed algorithm is illustrated using synthetic, simulated and in vivo US data.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Higher Dynamic Measurement of Antenna Passive Intermodulation Products, Using Ray Optics

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, Suisse, April 10-15, 2016.

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Passive intermodulation products may occur when two or more carriers are transmitted through a passive device such as a filter, a transmission line or an antenna or if they are reflected from one object. These products are generally due to distributed non-linearity along the transmission path or the reflector of the antenna. We show that ray optics can be used to determine easily the directions in which these products are in phase and reinforced. This is particularly significant for multihorn fed reflector antennas, for multiple antennas systems and for higher dynamic in measurement of passive intermodulation.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Higher Dynamic Measurement of Antenna Passive Intermodulation Products, Using Ray Optics

Author: Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Davos, Suisse, April 10-15, 2016.

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Passive intermodulation products may occur when two or more carriers are transmitted through a passive device such as a filter, a transmission line or an antenna or if they are reflected from one object. These products are generally due to distributed non-linearity along the transmission path or the reflector of the antenna. We show that ray optics can be used to determine easily the directions in which these products are in phase and reinforced. This is particularly significant for multihorn fed reflector antennas, for multiple antennas systems and for higher dynamic in measurement of passive intermodulation.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems


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