
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


PhD Thesis

Ordonnancement et gestion des ressources pour un système de Télécommunications haut débit : Optimisation de la bande passante satellite

Author: Dupé Jean-Baptiste

Defended in October 2015

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Satellite telecommunications have seen a tremendous increase in interest, due to its ability to reduce the digital divide. In fact, a geostationary satellite can take advantage of its very wide coverage and high capacity to reach areas where deployment of a terrestrial network would not be possible, such as transports, or too expensive to be profitable, as in remote areas. Traditionally focused on digital television broadcasting, the latest generation of standards have evolved to reflect those new needs, dealing extensively with the transmission of interactive data, particularly by natively supporting Internet protocols. Scheduling has arisen as a major issue of those modern systems, since it has to deal with to highly uncorrelated processes : demand and capacity. Demand, on one side, evolves with user's needs, and therefore with the applications they are using : video, voice or data. Capacity, on the other side, depends on meteorological conditions over the satellite's cover, as the frequencies used in such systems are very sensitive to wet atmosphere attenuation. This thesis aims to study the problem of scheduling and resource allocation, hoping to achieve a service that can match with terrestrial networks in terms of services, while showing the best possible performances. If numerous solutions were proposed on this topic, none is taking into account all of the current system's constraints. In addition to the variable nature of system's capacity, the conjunction of variable demand and quality of service constraints constitutes an additional issue. Furthermore, we have to consider the practicability of our solution in a real-time context, necessary if we aim for industrial use. We have first developed a scheduler architecture for the Forward link, based on utility functions, thus allowing a simple formulation of the capacity versus demand compromise. We show, through a detailed low-complexity implementation and accurate simulations, how our algorithm could be used eciently in an industrial context. We then focus on the Return link, where we propose a resource allocation method, taking into account quality of service and quality of transmission jointly to deliver an ecient yet consistent resource allocation. Simulations show that our algorithm achieves a better efficiency and traffic handling than reference solutions presented in the literature.

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PhD Defense Slides

Ordonnancement et gestion des ressources pour un système de Télécommunications haut débit : Optimisation de la bande passante satellite

Author: Dupé Jean-Baptiste

Defended in October 2015

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Satellite telecommunications have seen a tremendous increase in interest, due to its ability to reduce the digital divide. In fact, a geostationary satellite can take advantage of its very wide coverage and high capacity to reach areas where deployment of a terrestrial network would not be possible, such as transports, or too expensive to be profitable, as in remote areas. Traditionally focused on digital television broadcasting, the latest generation of standards have evolved to reflect those new needs, dealing extensively with the transmission of interactive data, particularly by natively supporting Internet protocols. Scheduling has arisen as a major issue of those modern systems, since it has to deal with to highly uncorrelated processes : demand and capacity. Demand, on one side, evolves with user's needs, and therefore with the applications they are using : video, voice or data. Capacity, on the other side, depends on meteorological conditions over the satellite's cover, as the frequencies used in such systems are very sensitive to wet atmosphere attenuation. This thesis aims to study the problem of scheduling and resource allocation, hoping to achieve a service that can match with terrestrial networks in terms of services, while showing the best possible performances. If numerous solutions were proposed on this topic, none is taking into account all of the current system's constraints. In addition to the variable nature of system's capacity, the conjunction of variable demand and quality of service constraints constitutes an additional issue. Furthermore, we have to consider the practicability of our solution in a real-time context, necessary if we aim for industrial use. We have first developed a scheduler architecture for the Forward link, based on utility functions, thus allowing a simple formulation of the capacity versus demand compromise. We show, through a detailed low-complexity implementation and accurate simulations, how our algorithm could be used efficiently in an industrial context. We then focus on the Return link, where we propose a resource allocation method, taking into account quality of service and quality of transmission jointly to deliver an efficient yet consistent resource allocation. Simulations show that our algorithm achieves a better efficiency and traffic handling than reference solutions presented in the literature.

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Procédé de Génération d’un Banc de Filtres pour la Réception d’un Signal Modulé par une Modulation à Phase Continue, basé sur une Décomposition de Laurent

Authors: Benaddi Tarik, Poulliat Charly, Boucheret Marie-Laure, Gadat Benjamin and Lesthievent Guy

069367 FR PHA/MGU - 069181 US PHA/MGU - 069181 CA PHA/MGU

Procédé de génération d'un banc de filtre (301,302,...30K) pour la réception d'un signal modulé par une modulation à phase continue, ledit signal modulé pouvant être décomposé comme une somme d'une pluralité de signaux modulés en amplitude, chaque signal modulé en amplitude étant exprimé par un produit entre un pseudo-symbole complexe et une composante temporelle de forme d'onde prédéfinie en fonction des paramètres de la modulation, ledit procédé comprenant les étapes suivantes : - Evaluer, sur une durée T égale à la durée d'un symbole, toutes les formes d'ondes possibles du signal à partir des paramètres de la modulation à phase continue et de la décomposition sous la forme d'une somme d'une pluralité de signaux modulés en amplitude, - Retenir toutes les formes d'ondes évaluées qui sont différentes entre elles, - Construire un banc de filtre (301,302,...30K) composé d'une pluralité de filtres dont les réponses temporelles sont égales aux formes d'ondes retenues, limitées à une durée égale à la durée d'un symbole.

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Digital communications / Space communication systems

Conference Paper

Robust GNSS Navigation in Urban Environments by Bounding NLOS Bias of GNSS Pseudoranges Using a 3D City Model

Authors: Kbayer Nabil, Sahmoudi Mohamed and Chaumette Eric

In Proc. Institute Of Navigation (ION GNSS), Tampa, Floride, USA, September 14-18, 2015.

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The well-known conventional Weighted Least Squares (WLS) and extended Kalman filter (EKF) are the standard estimation methods for positioning with GNSS measurements. However, these estimators are not optimal when the GNSS measurements become contaminated by non-Gaussian errors including multipath (MP) and nonline-of-sight (NLOS) biases. In this paper, we use additional information of the geometric environment provided by a 3D model to build-up a robust solution against biases which may be summed up from MP and NLOS signals in urban environments. We first use a 3D city model to predict lower and upper bounds of these biases. Then, we integrate this information in the position estimation problem. We investigated in two ways of making use of this additional information: the first one is to consider these biases as additive noise and exploiting the bounds to end up with a constrained state estimation by WLS or Kalman filter. The second way is to investigate in the maximum likelihood estimation of both the MP-NLOS bias and the state ending up with a less accurate but acceptable solution. Test results using real GPS signal in Toulouse show that these estimators capable of improving the positioning accuracy compared to the conventional WLS if the NLOS bounds are well-chosen.

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Signal and image processing / Localization and navigation

Journal Paper

Toward Fast Transform Learning

Authors: Chabiron Olivier, Malgouyres François, Tourneret Jean-Yves and Dobigeon Nicolas

Int. J. Comput. Vision, vol. 114, n° 2, pp. 195-216, September, 2015.

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The dictionary learning problem aims at finding a dictionary of atoms that best represents an image according to a given objective. The most usual objective consists of representing an image or a class of images sparsely. Most algorithms performing dictionary learning iteratively estimate the dictionary and a sparse representation of images using this dictionary. Dictionary learning has led to many state of the art algorithms in image processing. However, its numerical complexity restricts its use to atoms with a small support since the computations using the constructed dictionaries require too much resources to be deployed for large scale applications. In order to alleviate these issues, this paper introduces a new strategy to learn dictionaries composed of atoms obtained as a composition of K convolutions with S-parse kernels. The dictionary update step associated with this strategy is a non-convex optimization problem. We reformulate the problem in order to reduce the number of its irrelevant stationary points and introduce a Gauss-Seidel type algorithm, referred to as Alternative Least Square Algorithm, for its resolution. The search space of the considered optimization problem is of dimension KS, which is typically smaller than the size of the target atom and is much smaller than the size of the image. The complexity of the algorithm is linear with regard to the size of the image. Our experiments show that we are able to approximate with a very high accuracy many atoms such as modified DCT, curvelets, sinc functions or cosines when K is large (say K = 10). We also argue empirically that, maybe surprisingly, the algorithm generally converges to a global minimum for large values of K and S.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Conference Paper

Estimation du retard en échantillonnage périodique non uniforme - Application aux CAN entrelacés désynchronisés

Authors: Vernhes Jean-Adrien, Chabert Marie, Lacaze Bernard, Lesthievent Guy, Baudin Roland and Boucheret Marie-Laure

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 8-11, 2015.

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Increasing the sampling rate of Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) is a main challenge in many fields and especially in telecommunications. Time-Interleaved ADCs (TI-ADC) were introduced as a technical solution to reach high sampling rates by time-interleaving several low-rate ADCs at the price of a perfect synchronization. Indeed, as the inverse operation of DAC is derived under the assumption of uniform sampling, the desynchronization must be compensated upstream with expensive hardware corrections of the sampling device. In this paper, we propose an alternative framework for TI-ADCs based on a more flexible sampling scheme, known as Periodic Non-uniform Sampling (PNS), that takes into account the desynchronization at the reconstruction stage when the induced delay is known, thus avoiding hardware corrections. The main contribution of this paper is to propose two different strategies for desynchronization estimation, one based on auto-calibration, the other on blind estimation. The proposed method performance is evaluated in terms of signal reconstruction error.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Utilisation partielle du CRC pour la correction d'erreurs des signaux AIS reçus par satellite

Authors: Prévost Raoul, Coulon Martial, Bonacci David, Le Maitre Julia, Millerioux Jean-Pierre and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 8-11, 2015.

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This paper deals with the demodulation of automatic identification system (AIS) signals received by a satellite. More precisely, an error correction algorithm is presented, whose computational complexity is reduced with respect to that of a previously considered approach. This latter approach makes use of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of a message as redundancy, in order to correct transmission errors. In this paper, the CRC is also considered as a correction tool, but only a part of it is used for that purpose; the remaining part is only used as an error detection means. This novel approach allows the decoding performance to be adapted to the noise power, and provides a reduction of the computational complexity. Simulation results obtained with and without complexity optimization are presented and compared in the context of the AIS system.

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Digital communications / Localization and navigation and Space communication systems

Estimation de variabilité pour le démélange non-supervisé d’images hyperspectrales

Authors: Thouvenin Pierre-Antoine, Dobigeon Nicolas and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 8-11, 2015.

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Le démélange d’images hyperspectrales vise à identifier les signatures spectrales d’un milieu imagé ainsi que leurs proportions dans chacun des pixels. Toutefois, les signatures extraites présentent en pratique une variabilité qui peut compromettre la fiabilité de cette identification. En supposant ces signatures potentiellement affectées par le phénomène de variabilité, nous proposons d’estimer les paramètres d’un modèle de mélange linéaire à l’aide d’un algorithme de minimisation alternée (Proximal alternating linearized minimization, PALM) dont la convergence a été démontrée pour une classe de problèmes non-convexes qui contient précisément le problème du démélange d’images hyperspectrales. La méthode proposée est évaluée sur des données synthétiques et réelles.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Estimation bayésienne locale du paramètre de multifractalité à l’aide d’un algorithme de Monte Carlo Hamiltonien

Authors: Combrexelles Sébastien, Wendt Herwig, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Dobigeon Nicolas, McLaughlin Stephen and Abry Patrice

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 8-11, 2015.

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La caractérisation de la texture d’une image peut être conduite via l’étude des fluctuations de la régularité locale de son amplitude dans le cadre théorique de l’analyse multifractale. Les images étant souvent composées de différentes textures, cette analyse doit être locale. Cet article s’attaque à ce problème en formulant un modèle bayésien par patch reposant sur un modèle semi-paramétrique récemment proposé pour la statistique du logarithme des coefficients dominants. Les estimateurs bayésiens sont obtenus via une procédure d’échantillonnage utilisant un algorithme de Monte-Carlo Hamiltonien. Les performances de ces estimateurs sont illustrées à l’aide de processus synthétiques.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Estimation de la Dimension Intrinsèque des Images Hyperspectrales à l’Aide d’un Modèle à Variances Isolées

Authors: Halimi Abderrahim, Honeine Paul, Kharouf Malika, Richard Cédric and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 8-11, 2015.

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Cet article propose une approche automatique pour estimer le nombre de spectres de composés purs dans les images hyperspectrales. L’estimation est basée sur de récents résultats de la théorie des matrices aléatoires sur les “modèles à variances isolées”. Plus précisément, nous étudions l’écart entre les valeurs propres successives de la matrice de covariance des observations. L’algorithme d’estimation proposé est automatique et robuste à la présence de bruit corrélé. Cette stratégie est validée sur des images synthétiques et réelles. Les résultats expérimentaux sont prometteurs et montrent la pertinence de cette approche par rapport à l’état de l’art.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation


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