Conference Paper
FREAK DTN : Frequency Routing, Encounters And Keenness for DTN
In Proc. IEE IFIP Wireless Days (WD 2014), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, November 12-14, 2014.
Mobile systems monitoring is an application area for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (MWSN), which introduces some specific challenges. Delay/Disruption architecture tackles some of these issues, such as delay and connectivity disruptions, and thus has already been used in this context. However, WSN nodes have severe limitations, concerning storage and processing capabilities. This performance problem has not been investigated as it deserves and this is the purpose of this paper. We propose the FREAK scheme which aims at reducing the computation while performance remains high. This scheme relies on the mean frequency of past encounter with the base station. Transmissions are driven by this metric. The FREAK solution is keen because we assume that future can be predicted from the past events. We also analyse the acknowledgements effects on performance. Our proposition is evaluated through simulations based on real traces. FREAK is compared to several replication and quota-based mainstream DTN solutions and achieves quite better performance in realistic scenarios.
Networking / Space communication systems
PRAVDA: Pseudo Random Network Coding in Vanet for Data Download
In Proc. IEE IFIP Wireless Days (WD 2014), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, November 12-14, 2014.
Networking / Space communication systems
Journal Paper
On the Impact of Link Layer Retransmission Schemes on TCP over 4G Satellite Links
International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, January, 2014.
We study the impact of reliability mechanisms introduced at the link layer on the performance of transport protocols in the context of 4G satellite links. Specifically, we design a software module that performs realistic analysis of the network performance, by utilizing real physical layer traces of a 4G satellite service. Based on these traces, our software module produces equivalent link layer traces, as a function of the chosen link layer reliability mechanism. We further utilize the link layer traces within the ns-2 network simulator to evaluate the impact of link layer schemes on the performance of selected TCP variants. We consider erasure coding, ARQ and Hybrid-ARQ link layer mechanisms, and TCP Cubic, Compound, Hybla, New Reno and Westwood. We show that, for all target TCP variants, when the throughput of the transport protocol is close to the channel capacity, using the ARQ mechanism is most beneficial for TCP performance improvement. In conditions where the physical channel error rate is high, Hybrid-ARQ results in the best performance for all TCP variants considered, with up to 22% improvements compared to other schemes.
Networking / Space communication systems
Toward Fast Transform Learning
International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer-Verlag, October, 2014.
This paper introduces a new dictionary learning strategy based on atoms obtained by translating the composition of K convolutions with S-sparse kernels of known support. The dictionary update step associated with this strategy is a non-convex optimization problem. We propose a practical formulation of this problem and introduce a Gauss–Seidel type algorithm referred to as alternative least square algorithm for its resolution. The search space of the proposed algorithm is of dimension KS, which is typically smaller than the size of the target atom and much smaller than the size of the image. Moreover, the complexity of this algorithm is linear with respect to the image size, allowing larger atoms to be learned (as opposed to small patches). The conducted experiments show that we are able to accurately approximate atoms such as wavelets, curvelets, sinc functions or cosines for large values of K. The proposed experiments also indicate that the algorithm generally converges to a global minimum for large values of K and S.
Signal and image processing / Earth observation
Conference Paper
Bayesian Fusion of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Images with Unknown Sensor Spectral Response
In Proc. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), Paris, France, October 27-30, 2014.
This paper studies a new Bayesian algorithm for fusing hyperspectral and multispectral images. The observed images are related to the high spatial resolution hyperspectral image to be recovered through physical degradations, e.g., spatial and spectral blurring and/or subsampling defined by the sensor characteristics. In this work, we assume that the spectral response of the multispectral sensor is unknown as it may not be available in practical applications. The resulting fusion problem is formulated within a Bayesian estimation framework, which is very convenient to model the uncertainty regarding the multispectral sensor characteristics and the scene to be estimated. The high spatial resolution hyperspectral image is then inferred from its posterior distribution. More precisely, to compute the Bayesian estimators associated with this posterior, a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed to generate samples asymptotically distributed according to the distribution of interest. Simulation results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed fusion method when compared with several state-of-the-art fusion techniques.
Signal and image processing / Earth observation
Restoration of Ultrasound Images Using A Hierarchical Bayesian Model with A Generalized Gaussian Prior
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2014), Paris, France, October 27-30, 2014.
This paper addresses the problem of ultrasound image restoration within a Bayesian framework. The distribution of the ultrasound image is assumed to be a generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD). The main contribution of this work is to propose a hierarchical Bayesian model for estimating the GGD parameters. The Bayesian estimators associated with this model are difficult to be expressed in closed form. Thus we investigate a Markov chain Monte Carlo method which is used to generate samples asymptotically distributed according to the posterior of interest. These generated samples are finally used to compute the Bayesian estimators of the GGD parameters. The performance of the proposed Bayesian model is tested with synthetic data and compared with the performance obtained with the expectation maximization algorithm.
Signal and image processing / Earth observation
Relaxation des spécifications de produits d’intermodulation passifs des antennes de satellites fonctionnant en multi-porteuse
In Proc. Journée thématique DGA MILSATCOM, Rennes, France, October 9, 2014.
Les produits d’intermodulation passifs ne suivent pas la loi classique d’augmentation de puissance de 3 dB par dB de puissance d’entrée. Un modèle basé sur des fonctions non-analytique permet de simuler correctement ce comportement pour deux ou plusieurs porteuses. Le modèle explique l’amélioration du rapport C/I lorsque le nombre de porteuses augmente et permet de calculer cette amélioration à partir des mesures à deux porteuses et de la pente. Ceci permet de relâcher les spécifications à deux porteuses de 4 dB si la pente est de 2,5 dB/dB et de 8 dB si la pente est de 2 dB/dB pour une même performance en multi-porteuse. Cette relaxation peut permettre d’utiliser une technologie d’antenne de masse ou de coût plus faible alors qu’elle n’aurait pas été acceptée en l’absence de modèle.
Signal and image processing / Space communication systems
Memristors as Non-Linear Behavioral Models for Passive Inter-Modulation Simulation
In Proc. European Microwave Week, Rome, Italy, October 5-10, 2014.
We propose to use memristors as memory nonlinear circuits to build behavioral models useful in the simulation of passive inter-modulation in RF and microwave devices such as filters, antennas and in general connections
Signal and image processing / Space communication systems
PhD Thesis
Récepteur de navigation reconfigurable pour applications spatiales
Defended in September 2014
The orbit of a satellite around the earth is constantly disturbed by various factors, such as variations in the gravitational field and the solar wind pressure. The drift of the satellite position can compromise the mission, and even lead to a crash or a fall in the atmosphere. The station-keeping operations therefore consist in performing an accurate measurement of the satellite trajectory and then in using its thrusters to correct the drift. The conventional solution is to measure the position with the help of a ground based radar. This solution is expensive and does not allow to have the satellite position permanently : the trajectory corrections are therefore infrequent. A positioning and autonomous navigation system using constellations of navigation satellites, called Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), allows a significant reduction in design and operational maintenance costs. Several studies have been conducted in this direction and the first navigation systems based on GPS receivers, are emerging. A receiver capable of processing multiple navigation systems, such as GPS and Galileo, would provide a better service availability. Indeed, Galileo is designed to be compatible with GPS, both in terms of signals and navigation data. Continuous knowledge of the position would then allow a closed loop control of the station keeping. Initially, we defined what the specifications of a multi-mission space receiver are. Indeed, the constraints on such a receiver are different from those for a receiver located on the surface of the Earth. The analysis of these constraints, and the performance required of a positioning system, is necessary to determine the specifications of the future receiver. There are few studies on the subject. Some of them are classified ; others have, in our view, an analytical bias that distorts the determination of specifications. So we modeled the system : GNSS and receivers satellite orbits, radio frequency link. Some parameters of this link are not given in the specification or manufacturers documents. Moreover, the available theoretical data are not always relevant for realistic modeling. So we had to assess those parameters using the available data. The model was then used to simulate various scenarios representing future missions. After defining analysis criteria, specifications were determined from the simulation results. Calculating a position of a satellite navigation system involves three main phases. For each phase, there are several possible algorithms, with different performance characteristics, the circuit size or the computation load. The development of new applications based on navigation also drives the development of new adapted algorithms. We present the principle for determining a position, as well as GPS and Galileo navigation signals. From the signal structure, we explain the phases of the demodulation and localization. Through the use of GPS and Galileo constellations, standard algorithms achieve the performance required for space applications. However, these algorithms need to be adapted, thus some parts were specifically designed. In order to validate the choice of algorithms and parameters, we have simulated the various operating phases of the receiver using real GPS signals. Finally, impact and prospects are discussed in the conclusion.
Signal and image processing / Localization and navigation and Space communication systems
PhD Defense Slides
Récepteur de navigation reconfigurable pour applications spatiales
Defended in September 2014
The orbit of a satellite around the earth is constantly disturbed by various factors, such as variations in the gravitational field and the solar wind pressure. The drift of the satellite position can compromise the mission, and even lead to a crash or a fall in the atmosphere. The station-keeping operations therefore consist in performing an accurate measurement of the satellite trajectory and then in using its thrusters to correct the drift. The conventional solution is to measure the position with the help of a ground based radar. This solution is expensive and does not allow to have the satellite position permanently : the trajectory corrections are therefore infrequent. A positioning and autonomous navigation system using constellations of navigation satellites, called Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), allows a significant reduction in design and operational maintenance costs. Several studies have been conducted in this direction and the first navigation systems based on GPS receivers, are emerging. A receiver capable of processing multiple navigation systems, such as GPS and Galileo, would provide a better service availability. Indeed, Galileo is designed to be compatible with GPS, both in terms of signals and navigation data. Continuous knowledge of the position would then allow a closed loop control of the station keeping. Initially, we defined what the specifications of a multi-mission space receiver are. Indeed, the constraints on such a receiver are different from those for a receiver located on the surface of the Earth. The analysis of these constraints, and the performance required of a positioning system, is necessary to determine the specifications of the future receiver. There are few studies on the subject. Some of them are classified ; others have, in our view, an analytical bias that distorts the determination of specifications. So we modeled the system : GNSS and receivers satellite orbits, radio frequency link. Some parameters of this link are not given in the specification or manufacturers documents. Moreover, the available theoretical data are not always relevant for realistic modeling. So we had to assess those parameters using the available data. The model was then used to simulate various scenarios representing future missions. After defining analysis criteria, specifications were determined from the simulation results. Calculating a position of a satellite navigation system involves three main phases. For each phase, there are several possible algorithms, with different performance characteristics, the circuit size or the computation load. The development of new applications based on navigation also drives the development of new adapted algorithms. We present the principle for determining a position, as well as GPS and Galileo navigation signals. From the signal structure, we explain the phases of the demodulation and localization. Through the use of GPS and Galileo constellations, standard algorithms achieve the performance required for space applications. However, these algorithms need to be adapted, thus some parts were specifically designed. In order to validate the choice of algorithms and parameters, we have simulated the various operating phases of the receiver using real GPS signals. Finally, impact and prospects are discussed in the conclusion.
Signal and image processing / Localization and navigation
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31500 Toulouse