
Journal papers, Talks, Conference papers, Books, Technical notes


Conference Paper

Discrimination between Noise and Distortion in EVM Measurements

Authors: Sombrin Jacques B., Ros Benjamin and Chaumet Aurélien

In Proc. 2024 102nd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG), pp. 1-4, San Antonio, TX, USA, 21-24 Jan. 2024.

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EVM (Error Vector Measurement) is used to measure the end-to-end quality of digital communication links. It comes from noise, linear and non-linear distortion, and interference if any. I propose a method to discriminate between random noise that is independent of the signal and distortion that depends on the signal. Interference is more complex to discriminate as it is not random but can be either synchronous with the signal or not. Echoes such as multipath cause linear distortion if they are static. However, variable echoes, such as those created in a reverberation chamber must be treated specifically.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems

Time-Delay and Doppler Estimation with a Carrier Modulated by a Band-Limited Signal

Authors: Bernabeu Frias Joan Miguel, Ortega Espluga Lorenzo, Blais Antoine, Gregoire Yoan and Chaumette Eric

In Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Los Sueños, Costa Rica, December 10-13, 2023.

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Since time-delay and phase estimation is a fundamental task in a plethora of engineering fields, several CRB and MLE expressions have been derived for the past decades. In all these previous works, a common hypothesis is that the wave transmission process introduces an unknown phase which prevents from estimating both delay and transmission phase components. By revisiting this problem, including the derivation of the MLE and the associated CRB, we show that this well-admitted assertion is not true strictly: both informations can be estimated, but generally with a sub-optimal achievable MSE in the asymptotic region. Moreover, since practical problems exist where the transmission phase can be estimated apart, adding this additionnal measure to the observation model provides a setting allowing to explore the contribution of each signal component (carrier frequency, baseband signal and transmission phase measure) to the achievable MSE of time-delay and phase estimation in the asymptotic region.

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Signal and image processing / Aeronautical communication systems and Space communication systems

Fusion of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Images for Endometriosis Diagnosis: a Non-Parametric Approach

Authors: El Bennioui Youssra, Bruguier Alexandre, Vidal Fabien, Basarab Adrian and Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Los Sueños, Costa Rica, December 10-13, 2023.

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A fusion method was recently proposed for ultrasound and magnetic resonance images for endometriosis diagnosis. This method combined the advantages of each modality, i.e., the good contrast and signal to noise ratio of the MR image and the good spatial resolution of the US image. The method was based on an inverse problem, performing a superresolution of the MR image and a denoising of the US image. A polynomial function was introduced to model the relationships between the gray levels of the MR and US images. This paper studies the potential interest of replacing this polynomial function by a non-parametric transformation built using the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Simulations conducted on a phantom and synthetic data allow the performance of the resulting fusion method to be appreciated.

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Signal and image processing / Other

Improved Syndrome-based Neural Decoder for Linear Block Codes

Authors: De Boni Rovella Gastón and Benammar Meryem

In Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2023), pp. 5689-5694, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 4-8, 2023.

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In this work, we investigate the problem of neuralbased error correction decoding, and more specifically, the new so-called syndrome-based decoding technique introduced to tackle scalability in the training phase for larger code sizes. We improve on previous works in terms of allowing full decoding of the message rather than codewords, allowing thus the application to nonsystematic codes, and proving that the single-message training property is still viable. The suggested system is implemented and tested on polar codes of sizes (64,32) and (128,64), and a BCH of size (63,51), leading to a significant improvement in both Bit Error Rate (BER) and Frame Error Rate (FER), with gains between 0.3dB and 1dB for the implemented codes in the high Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) regime.

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Digital communications / Space communication systems


Introduction aux Blockchains et à leurs Applications

Author: Lacan Jérôme

Seminar of TeSA, Toulouse, November 30, 2023.

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Networking / Other

Introduction à la Cryptographie Post-Quantique

Author: Deneuville Jean-Christophe

Seminar of TeSA, Toulouse, November 30, 2023.

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Networking / Other

Conference Paper

New Near Real-Time Deforestation Monitoring Technique Based on Bayesian Inference

Author: Bottani Marta

In Proc. 8th International Workshop on Retrieval of Bio & Geo-physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, Rome, Italy, November 15-17, 2023.

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The world’s forests have undergone substantial changes in the last decades. In the tropics, 17% of moist forests disappeared between 1990 and 2019, through deforestation and forest degradation [7]. These changes contribute greatly to biodiversity loss through habitat destruction, soil erosion, terrestrial water cycle disturbances, and anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Continuous monitoring of global deforestation is a fundamental tool to support preservation actions and to stop further destruction of vegetation. Several forest disturbance detection systems have already been developed, mainly based on space-borne optical remote sensing [4] which is severely limited by cloud coverage in the tropics. Contrarily to optical imagery, SAR products have the great potential of being insensitive to the presence of clouds. In recent years, several SAR-based systems have been developed and are now operational in different dense forest areas across the tropics [2], [3], [5], [6]. Despite the extensive coverage and temporal density of acquisitions, C-band SAR data like Sentinel-1 are not ideal for deforestation monitoring since the returned backscatter can be altered by variations in soil moisture and others. In this work, we investigate a new method to monitor forest loss in a near real-time manner exploiting the principle of Bayesian inference. In particular, forest loss is treated as a change-point detection problem within a univariate time series (i.e. Sentinel-1 single polarization), in which each new observation contributes to the probability of having or not deforestation in a Bayesian-like manner [1]. Detection delay and false alarm reduction have been investigated through the extension of the algorithm to the multivariate case of dual-polarization Sentinel-1 acquisitions. Given the synchronous nature of VV, VH acquisitions, such a modification allows an increase in the equivalent number of looks on a pixel on the ground, hence augmenting the level of confidence of an issued alert. A validation campaign has been conducted to assess the performance of the method. The test sites are located in French Guiana and Brazil where deforestation takes place constantly and near real-time monitoring is fundamental for law enforcement practices. Additionally, a comparison with a well-known deforestation monitoring technique, namely Maximum Likelihood Ratio Test, has been performed to further evaluate the proposed method. Conclusively, the potential of extending the current method to asynchronous data sources such as Sentinel-2 optical data is addressed.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation

Journal Paper

Bounds for the Estimation of Matrix-Valued Parameters of a Gaussian Random Process

Authors: Leon Arencibia Lorena, Wendt Herwig and Tourneret Jean-Yves

Signal Processing, vol. 211, art. 109106, October, 2023.

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This paper derives and studies Bayesian Cramér-Rao lower bounds for the mean squared error of covari- ance matrices that are structured as weighted sums of symmetric positive definite matrices associated with a circularly-symmetric Gaussian statistical model. This model naturally appears in a number of im- portant applications, including multivariate multifractal analysis and vector-valued additive Gaussian pro- cesses. As an intermediary result, we derive a novel expression for the expectation of compositions of Wishart random matrices. We provide extensive numerical simulation results for analyzing the derived bounds and their properties, and illustrate their use for the multifractal analysis of bivariate time series.

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Signal and image processing / Earth observation and Localization and navigation

Conference Paper

Intrinsic Slepian-Bangs Type Formula for Parameters on LGs with Unknown Measurement Noise Variance

Authors: Labsir Samy, Renaux Alexandre, Vilà-Valls Jordi and Chaumette Eric

In Proc. 2023 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 887-891, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, 29 Oct.-1 Nov. 2023.

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Intrinsic lower bounds on the intrinsic mean square error are of major importance to characterize the best achievable estimation performance of any unbiased estimator on smooth manifold as Lie group (LG). When the parameter is described by a LG model and the observation noise is with unknown variance, it is also necessary to determine a bound both on the LG parameter and this variance. In this communication, we propose an intrinsic generic Fisher information matrix taking into account this problem. To achieve that, we derive an intrinsic Slepian-Bangs formula on the LG product of the unknown parameter of interest and the LG of positive scalar values in which the variance intrinsically lies. The proposed bound is validated on a Gaussian observation model for unknown parameter lying to SE (3) and variance noise on R+.

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Signal and image processing / Localization and navigation and Space communication systems

Journal Paper

Barankin, McAulay–Seidman and Cramér–Rao bounds on matrix Lie groups

Authors: Labsir Samy, Renaux Alexandre, Vilà-Valls Jordi and Chaumette Eric

Automatica, vol. 156, pp. 111-199, October 2023.

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In this article, we first derive a general intrinsic Barankin bound (IBB) for unknown parameters lying on Lie groups (LGs), and its intrinsic McAulay-Seidman bound (IMSB) approximation. Second, the IMSB expression is used to revisit the intrinsic Cramér-Rao bound (ICRB) on LGs. Indeed, an analytic expression of the ICRB, which is a special IMSB case, is obtained from the latter. Finally, closed-form expressions for both IMSB and ICRB are obtained for Euclidean and LG observation models depending on parameters lying in SO(3) and SE(3). The validity of the these IMSB and ICRB expressions, with respect to the intrinsic mean square error, is shown via numerical simulations to support the discussion.

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Signal and image processing / Space communication systems


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