
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

Advanced Bayesian Method for Timely Small-Scale Forest Loss Detection in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado with Sentinel-1 Time-Series

Auteurs : Bottani Marta, Ferro-Famil Laurent, Doblas Juan, Mermoz Stéphane, Bouvet Alexandre et Koleck Thierry

In Proc. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Technical Comission III Symoosium, Belém, Brasil, November 4-8, 2024.

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The world’s forests are undergoing significant changes due to loss and degradation, emphasizing the need for Near Real-Time (NRT) monitoring to prevent further damage. Traditional monitoring methods using optical imagery are hindered by cloud coverage, while newer Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems, although operational in all weather conditions, face challenges such as sensitivity to soil moisture and the need for spatial filtering to reduce speckle effects. These limitations affect the detection of small-scale forest loss, especially in seasonally variable regions like dry forests and savannas. This paper presents a SAR-based forest disturbance detection method using Bayesian inference. Unlike traditional methods, this approach maintains the native resolution of the data by avoiding spatial filtering. Forest disturbance is modelled as a change-point detection problem within a non-filtered Sentinel-1 time series, where each new observation updates the probability of forest loss by leveraging prior information and a data model. This sequential adaptation ensures robustness against variations and trends, making it effective in monitoring disturbances across diverse forest types, including areas affected by seasonality. The proposed method was tested against other NRT monitoring systems for the year 2020, using small validation polygons (under 1 hectare) in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado savanna. Results demonstrate significant improvements in detecting small-scale disturbances and drastically reduced false alarm rates in both biomes. Notably, in the seasonality-sensitive Cerrado, our solution completely outperforms the leading and only existing optical technology.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre


Graph Laplacian-based Regularization Approach for Detecting Abnormal Ship Behavior on Trajectories

Auteur : León-López Kareth

Seminar of TéSA, Toulouse, November 4, 2024.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Bayesian Optimization of Time-Varying Functions

Auteur : Djurić Petar M.

Seminar of TeSA, Toulouse, October 30, 2024.

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Bayesian optimization is a commonly employed method for optimizing expensive, black-box functions, leveraging statistical surrogate models to identify optimal query points while maintaining a balance between exploration and exploitation in the search space. Traditionally, this approach assumes the target function remains constant over time. However, recent advancements have introduced a framework for time-varying Bayesian optimization, capable of addressing dynamic, non-stationary functions. In this presentation, we explore a time-varying approach using dynamic random feature-based Gaussian processes that evolve a linear model's parameters to capture function changes over time. Our proposed mechanism enables the acquisition function to dynamically adjust the exploration-exploitation trade-off in response to these changes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through comparisons with baseline time-varying Bayesian optimization algorithms on both a synthetic example and a localization problem based on simulated data.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre, Systèmes spatiaux de communication et Autre

Article de conférence

On-Ground and In-Flight Estimation of Instrument Spectral Responses in the Presence of Measurement Errors

Auteurs : El Haouari Jihanne, Gaucel Jean-Michel, Pittet Christelle, Tourneret Jean-Yves et Wendt Herwig

In Proc. Inteernational Conference on Space Optics (ICSO), Antibes, France, October 21-25, 2024.

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Space-based remote sensing facilitates the determination of greenhouse gas concentrations, enhancing the comprehension of carbon fluxes at the Earth’s surface in the context of climate change. High-resolution spectrometers, such as the CNES/UKSA MicroCarb and the upcoming ESA Copernicus Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) spectrometers, are crucial tools for this purpose. These instruments require a precise calibration, especially regarding the relative approximation errors of the Instrument Spectral Response Functions (ISRFs). To ease ISRF estimation, parametric models such as Gaussian and Super-Gaussian models have been investigated. However, these models cannot always take into account the diversity of ISRF shapes that are encountered in practical applications. For example, in MicroCarb simulations, the expected performance is not always achieved by these two conventional ISRF estimation methods, even when there is no spectral and radiometric errors. This paper investigates a novel approach based on the sparse representation of ISRFs in a dictionary. This method decomposes the spectral responses of interest as sparse linear combinations of atoms belonging to a dictionary, which are built using representative ISRFs. This new method can be applied both for on-ground ISRF denoising, and in-flight ISRF estimation through the resolution of an appropriate inverse problem. Experiments conducted using realistic simulated datasets associated with the MicroCarb instrument are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method for on-ground and in-flight ISRF estimation, yielding promising estimation performance compared to the state of the art.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Thèse de Doctorat

Fiabilité de l’Architecture Réseau des Systèmes Distribués sur Essaims de Nanosatellites

Auteur : Akopyan Evelyne

Defended on October 18, 2024

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Le domaine de l’observation de l’Espace s’intéresse de près aux signaux très basse fréquence, car ils fournissent d’importantes informations quant à la naissance et aux premiers jours de l’Univers. A ce jour, les interféromètres observant ces signaux se situent à la surface de la Terre, dans des zones arides. Malheureusement, ces signaux sont très sensibles aux interférences terrestres ainsi qu’à l’ionosphère, et sont donc difficilement observables. Une solution à ce problème serait d’observer les signaux directement depuis l’Espace, en déployant un essaim de nanosatellites en orbite autour de la Lune. Cet essaim constitue un Système Spatial Distribué (DSS), fonctionnant en tant qu’interféromètre, dont l’orbite lunaire le préserve des interférences terrestres et de l’ionosphère. Cependant, la configuration de l’essaim de nanosatellites en interféromètre spatial est un défi de taille en termes de communication, notamment en raison de l’absence d’infrastructure dans l’Espace et du volume de données d’observation à propager au sein du système. L’objectif de la thèse est donc de définir une configuration d’architecture fiable, répondant aux contraintes conjointes d’un réseau MANET et d’un système distribué. La thèse commence par caractériser le réseau de l’essaim de nanosatellites et met en avant sa forte hétérogénéité. Ensuite, elle propose des algorithmes permettant de répartir équitablement la charge du réseau, en se basant sur des techniques de division de graphe, et compare les performances de ces algorithmes sur des critères d’équité. Enfin, elle évalue la sensibilité du système aux pannes en termes de robustesse (résistance aux pannes) et de résilience (maintien du fonctionnement en présence de pannes) et étudie l’impact de la division de graphe sur la fiabilité globale de l’essaim. Les algorithmes de division développés dans cette thèse devront garantir la Qualité de Service (QoS) essentielle au bon fonctionnement d’un interféromètre spatial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des solutions de routage pertinentes devront être minutieusement étudiées et intégrées, afin de s’assurer qu’elles répondent aux exigences strictes de performance et de fiabilité de cette application avancée.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Présentation de soutenance de thèse

Fiabilité de l’Architecture Réseau des Systèmes Distribués sur Essaims de Nanosatellites

Auteur : Akopyan Evelyne

Defended on October 18, 2024

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Le domaine de l’observation de l’Espace s’intéresse de près aux signaux très basse fréquence, car ils fournissent d’importantes informations quant à la naissance et aux premiers jours de l’Univers. A ce jour, les interféromètres observant ces signaux se situent à la surface de la Terre, dans des zones arides. Malheureusement, ces signaux sont très sensibles aux interférences terrestres ainsi qu’à l’ionosphère, et sont donc difficilement observables. Une solution à ce problème serait d’observer les signaux directement depuis l’Espace, en déployant un essaim de nanosatellites en orbite autour de la Lune. Cet essaim constitue un Système Spatial Distribué (DSS), fonctionnant en tant qu’interféromètre, dont l’orbite lunaire le préserve des interférences terrestres et de l’ionosphère. Cependant, la configuration de l’essaim de nanosatellites en interféromètre spatial est un défi de taille en termes de communication, notamment en raison de l’absence d’infrastructure dans l’Espace et du volume de données d’observation à propager au sein du système. L’objectif de la thèse est donc de définir une configuration d’architecture fiable, répondant aux contraintes conjointes d’un réseau MANET et d’un système distribué. La thèse commence par caractériser le réseau de l’essaim de nanosatellites et met en avant sa forte hétérogénéité. Ensuite, elle propose des algorithmes permettant de répartir équitablement la charge du réseau, en se basant sur des techniques de division de graphe, et compare les performances de ces algorithmes sur des critères d’équité. Enfin, elle évalue la sensibilité du système aux pannes en termes de robustesse (résistance aux pannes) et de résilience (maintien du fonctionnement en présence de pannes) et étudie l’impact de la division de graphe sur la fiabilité globale de l’essaim. Les algorithmes de division développés dans cette thèse devront garantir la Qualité de Service (QoS) essentielle au bon fonctionnement d’un interféromètre spatial. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des solutions de routage pertinentes devront être minutieusement étudiées et intégrées, afin de s’assurer qu’elles répondent aux exigences strictes de performance et de fiabilité de cette application avancée.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de journal

Emerging Trends in Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Positioning, Navigation and Timing Information: Special Issue Editorial

Auteurs : Closas Pau, Ortega Espluga Lorenzo, Lesouple Julien et Djurić Petar M.

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Open Access, September, 2024.

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Location-based services, safety-critical applications, and modern intelligent transportation systems require reliable, continuous, and precise positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) information. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are the main source of positioning data in open sky conditions; however, their vulnerabilities to radio interferences and signal propagation limit their use in challenging environments. Consequently, enhancing conventional GNSS-based PNT solutions to incorporate additional sensing modalities and exploit other available signals of opportunity has become necessary for continuous and reliable navigation. Articles in the special issue span detection methods, estimation algorithms, signal optimization, and the application of machine learning, providing comprehensive insights into enhancing navigation and positioning accuracy.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

New Unsupervised Bayesian Methodology for Timely Detection of Forest Loss in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado Woodland Savanna Using Sentinel-1 Time Series Data

Auteur : Bottani Marta

In Proc. Association for Forest Spatial Analysis Technologies (ForestSAT), Rotorua, New Zealand, September 9-13, 2024.

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Forests worldwide have undergone significant transformations due to forest loss, highlighting the critical need for real-time forest monitoring to prevent further vegetation loss and facilitate prompt interventions. Traditionally, forest loss monitoring relied on optical imagery, which is obstructed by its susceptibility to cloud coverage, especially in tropical regions. In recent times, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-based systems have emerged to enable all-weather operability. However, SAR-based approaches encounter challenges, such as the alterations in backscatter caused by factors like soil moisture variations. Moreover, accurately detecting small-scale disturbances remains problematic for SAR systems, partly due to the spatial filtering techniques employed to mitigate the effects of speckle. Additionally, monitoring forest loss in regions characterized by pronounced seasonality in backscatter signals, such as dry forests and savannas, poses limitations, resulting in substantial under-monitoring of these extensive carbon sinks. This study introduces an unsupervised SAR-based method for detecting forest loss, employing Bayesian inference through an infinite state Markov chain.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

A Robust Time Scale for Space Applications Using the Student’s t-distribution

Auteurs : Mc Phee Hamish Scott, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Valat David, Delporte Jérôme, Gregoire Yoan et Paimblanc Philippe

Metrologia, vol. 61, number 5, pp. 055010, September, 2024.

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In this article, the principles of robust estimation are applied to the standard basic time scale equation to obtain a new method of assigning weights to clocks. Specifically, the Student’s t-distribution is introduced as a new statistical model for an ensemble of clocks that are experiencing phase jumps, frequency jumps or anomalies in their measurement links. The proposed robust time scale is designed to mitigate the effects of these anomalies without necessarily identifying them, but through applying a method of robust estimation for the parameters of a Student’s t-distribution. The proposed time scale algorithm using the Student’s t-distribution (ATST) is shown to achieve comparable robustness to phase jumps, frequency jumps, and anomalies in the measurements with respect to the AT1 oracle time scale. The AT1 oracle is a special realization of the AT1 time scale which corrects all anomalies by having prior knowledge of their occurrences. The similar performance of ATST and AT1 oracle suggests that the ATST algorithm is efficient for obtaining robustness with no prior knowledge or detection of the occurrences of anomalies.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

HLoOP—Hyperbolic 2-Space Local Outlier Probabilities

Auteurs : Allietta Clémence, Condomines Jean-Philippe, Tourneret Jean-Yves et Lochin Emmanuel

IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 128509-128518, September, 2024.

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Hyperbolic geometry has recently garnered considerable attention in machine learning due to its ability to embed hierarchical graph structures with low distortions for further downstream processing. This paper introduces a simple framework to detect local outliers for datasets grounded in hyperbolic 2-space, which is referred to as Hyperbolic Local Outlier Probability (HLoOP). Within a Euclidean space, well-known techniques for local outlier detection are based on the Local Outlier Factor (LOF) and its variant, the LoOP (Local Outlier Probability), which incorporates probabilistic concepts to model the outlier level of a data vector. The proposed HLoOP combines the notion of finding nearest neighbors, density-based outlier scoring with a probabilistic, statistically oriented approach. Therefore, the method computes the Riemmanian distance of a data point to its nearest neighbors following a Gaussian probability density function expressed in a hyperbolic space. This is achieved by defining a Gaussian cumulative distribution in this space. The proposed HLoOP algorithm is tested on the WordNet dataset and desmonstrated promising results. The code and data will be made available upon request for reproducibility.

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