Article de conférence
A Bayesian Lower Bound for Parameter Estimation of Poisson Data Including Multiple Changes
In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New-Orleans, USA, March 5-9, 2017.
This paper derives lower bounds for the mean square errors of parameter estimators in the case of Poisson distributed data subjected to multiple abrupt changes. Since both change locations (discrete parameters) and parameters of the Poisson distribution (continuous parameters) are unknown, it is appropriate to consider a mixed Cramér-Rao/Weiss-Weinstein bound for which we derive closed-form expressions and illustrate its tightness by numerical simulations.
Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre
Constructive Use of MP/NLOS Bias of GNSS Pseudoranges : Performance Analysis by Type of Environment
In Proc. Institute of Navigation International Technical Meeting (ION ITM), Monterey, USA, January 30-February 2, 2017.
The several progress of the free-accessible global navigation satellites system (GNSS) is not without major hurdles and challenges in it course of application in urban setting. Several error sources in these environments such as multipath and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception, signal masking and poor constellation geometry hinder the required positioning accuracy by GNSS signals. Facing this pressing need for performance enhancement in NLOS conditions, a new trend of approaches seek a constructive use of these degraded signals by correcting ranging measurements, using a 3D GNSS simulator for instance. However, this approach may engender a great risk of deteriorating PR measurements instead of correcting them if the compensation term is not accurate enough. Therefore, we propose in this paper to address the influence of PR bias estimation on the performances of this positioning method based on the correction of PR measurement. This original study permits us defining the maximum level of inaccuracy on bias estimation that any 3D GNSS simulator, or other tools, mustn’t exceed. A detailed study on this most acceptable level of inaccuracy on the PR bias estimation is performed using real GNSS data in Toulouse and encompass analysis by type of environment (Urban, Peri-urban and rural environments) and by type of GNSS signals.
Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation
Article de journal
Towards a Sparse Bayesian Markov Random Field Approach to Hyperspectral Unmixing and Classification
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 26, issue 1, pp. 426-438, January, 2017.
Recent work has shown that existing powerful Bayesian hyperspectral unmixing algorithms can be significantly improved by incorporating the inherent local spatial correlations between pixel class labels via the use of Markov random fields. We here propose a new Bayesian approach to joint hyperspectral unmixing and image classification such that the previous assumption of stochastic abundance vectors is relaxed to a formulation whereby a common abundance vector is assumed for pixels in each class. This allows us to avoid stochastic reparameterizations and, instead, we propose a symmetric Dirichlet distribution model with adjustable parameters for the common abundance vector of each class. Inference over the proposed model is achieved via a hybrid Gibbs sampler, and in particular, simulated annealing is introduced for the label estimation in order to avoid the local- trap problem. Experiments on a synthetic image and a popular, publicly available real data set indicate the proposed model is faster than and outperforms the existing approach quantitatively and qualitatively. Moreover, for appropriate choices of the Dirichlet parameter, it is shown that the proposed approach has the capability to induce sparsity in the inferred abundance vectors. It is demonstrated that this offers increased robustness in cases where the preprocessing endmember extraction algorithms overestimate the number of active endmembers present in a given scene.
Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre
Bayesian EEG Source Localization Using a Structured Sparsity Prior
NeuroImage, Elsevier, vol. 144, Part. A, pp. 142-152, January, 2017.
This paper deals with EEG source localization. The aim is to perform spatially coherent focal localization and recover temporal EEG waveforms, which can be useful in certain clinical applications. A new hierarchical Bayesian model is proposed with a multivariate Bernoulli Laplacian structured sparsity prior for brain activity. This distribution approximates a mixed ℓ20 pseudo norm regularization in a Bayesian framework. A partially collapsed Gibbs sampler is proposed to draw samples asymptotically distributed according to the posterior of the proposed Bayesian model. The generated samples are used to estimate the brain activity and the model hyperparameters jointly in an unsupervised framework. Two different kinds of Metropolis–Hastings moves are introduced to accelerate the convergence of the Gibbs sampler. The first move is based on multiple dipole shifts within each MCMC chain, whereas the second exploits proposals associated with different MCMC chains. Experiments with focal synthetic data shows that the proposed algorithm is more robust and has a higher recovery rate than the weighted ℓ21 mixed norm regularization. Using real data, the proposed algorithm finds sources that are spatially coherent with state of the art methods, namely a multiple sparse prior approach and the Champagne algorithm. In addition, the method estimates waveforms showing peaks at meaningful timestamps. This information can be valuable for activity spread characterization.
Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre
Article de conférence
Evaluation of Communication Performance For Adaptive Optics Corrected Geo-To-Ground Laser Links
In Proc. International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO 2016), Biarritz, France, October 18-21, 2017.
For future GEO to ground communications link, very high throughput might be achievable at a reasonable cost assuming the use of existing single mode components developed for fiber technologies (optical detectors and amplifiers, MUX/DEMUX...). The influence of atmospheric turbulence degrades the injection efficiency of the incoming wave into single mode components. This leads to signal fading and channel impairments. Several mitigation strategies are considered to prevent them. The use of adaptive optics should contribute to reduce substantially the criticality of the fading at the expense of potentially complex and expensive systems if very high stability of the injection is requested. The use of appropriate interleaving can help to relax the specifications and cost of AO systems but could lead to unmanageable buffer size. Thus the specification of AO correction and interleavers should be addressed jointly. An analytical model to evaluate the channel capacity in terms of outage probability and packet error rate has been developed that jointly takes into account partial correction by AO and channel interleaving. The influence of partial correction is inferred from statistical and temporal properties of the corrected wavefront that are explicitly related to injection efficiency. Among others an analytical evaluation of the mean fading time is provided. Interleaving is taken into account with a block fading model. This model is presented here and confronted to numerical simulations for two distinct correction cases. The accuracy of the model is discussed. The interdependence of AO correction with interleaving is investigated.
Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication
Article de journal
A Data-Driven Approach to Detect Faults in the Airbus Flight Control System
IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, n° 17, pp. 52-57, December, 2016.
This paper presents a data-driven strategy for the detection of failures impacting the flight control system. Early and robust detection of Oscillatory Failure Case (OFC) allows the aircraft structural design to be optimized, which in turn helps improve the aircraft environmental footprint thanks to weight saving. Compared to existing model-based techniques already used on in-service Airbus aircraft, this paper studies a novel signal processing approach based on distance and correlation. It is shown that a mixed similarity index between Euclidean distance and logarithmic invariant divergence gives promising detection results. This paper details the proposed approach by insisting on practical constraints due to implementation in embedded real-time systems such as the flight control computer. Preliminary results obtained from a Verification & Validation (V&V) on-going …
Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes de communication aéronautiques
Multi-Band Image Fusion Based on Spectral Unmixing
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 54, n° 12, pp. 7236-7249, December, 2016.
This paper presents a multi-band image fusion algorithm based on unsupervised spectral unmixing for combining a high-spatial low-spectral resolution image and a low-spatial high-spectral resolution image. The widely used linear observation model (with additive Gaussian noise) is combined with the linear spectral mixture model to form the likelihoods of the observations. The non-negativity and sum-to-one constraints resulting from the intrinsic physical properties of the abundances are introduced as prior information to regularize this ill-posed problem. The joint fusion and unmixing problem is then formulated as maximizing the joint posterior distribution with respect to the endmember signatures and abundance maps, This optimization problem is attacked with an alternating optimization strategy. The two resulting sub-problems are convex and are solved efficiently using the alternating direction method of multipliers. Experiments are conducted for both synthetic and semi-real data. Simulation results show that the proposed unmixing based fusion scheme improves both the abundance and endmember estimation comparing with the state-of-the-art joint fusion and unmixing algorithms.
Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre
A Bayesian Nonparametric Model Coupled with a Markov Random Field for Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIIMS), vol. 9, n° 4, pp. 1888-1921, December, 2016.
In recent years, remote sensing of the Earth surface using images acquired from aircraft or satellites has gained a lot of attention. The acquisition technology has been evolving fast and, as a consequence, many different kinds of sensors (e.g., optical, radar, multispectral, and hyperspectral) are now available to capture different features of the observed scene. One of the main objectives of remote sensing is to monitor changes on the Earth surface. Change detection has been thoroughly studied in the case of images acquired by the same sensors (mainly optical or radar sensors). However, due to the diversity and complementarity of the images, change detection between images acquired with different kinds of sensors (sometimes referred to as heterogeneous sensors) is clearly an interesting problem. A statistical model and a change detection strategy were recently introduced in [J. Prendes, M. Chabert, F. Pascal, A. Giros, and J.-Y. Tourneret, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Florence, Italy, 2014; IEEE Trans. Image Process., 24 (2015), pp. 799–812] to deal with images captured by heterogeneous sensors. The main idea of the suggested strategy was to model the objects contained in an analysis window by mixtures of distributions. The manifold defined by these mixtures was then learned using training data belonging to unchanged areas. The changes were finally detected by thresholding an appropriate distance to the estimated manifold. This paper goes a step further by introducing a Bayesian nonparametric framework allowing us to deal with an unknown number of objects in analysis windows without specifying an upper bound for this number. A Markov random field is also introduced to account for the spatial correlation between neighboring pixels. The proposed change detector is validated using different sets of synthetic and real images (including pairs of optical images and pairs of optical and radar images) showing a significant improvement when compared to existing algorithms.
Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre
FLOWER, an Innovative Fuzzy Lower-than-Best-Effort Transport Protocol
Computer Networks, vol 110, pp. 18-30, December, 2016.
Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication
Article de conférence
Estimation of Timing Offsets and Phase Shifts Between Packet Replicas in MARSALA Random Access
In Proc. Global Communications Conference (IEEE/GLOBECOM) Washington DC, USA, December 4-8, 2016.
Multi-replicA decoding using corRelation baSed LocALisAtion (MARSALA) is a recent random access technique designed for satellite return links. It follows the multiple transmission and interference cancellation scheme of Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha (CRDSA). In addition, at the receiver side, MARSALA uses autocorrelation to localise replicas of a same packet so as to coherently combine them. Previous work has shown good performance of MARSALA with an assumption of ideal channel state information and perfectly coherent combining of the different replicas of a given packet. However, in a real system, synchronisation errors such as timing offsets and phase shifts between the replicas on separate timeslots will result in less constructive combining of the received signals. This paper describes a method to estimate and compensate the timing and phase differences between the replicas, prior to their combination. Then, the impact of signal misalignment in terms of residual timing offsets and phase shifts, is modeled and evaluated analytically. Finally, the performance of MARSALA in realistic channel conditions is assessed through simulations, and compared to CRDSA in various scenarios.
Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication
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