
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

On The Existence Of Optimal LEDBAT Parameters

Auteurs : Trang Si Quoc Viet, Kuhn Nicolas, Lochin Emmanuel, Baudoin Cédric, Dubois Emmanuel et Gélard Patrick

In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.

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The Low Extra Delay Background Transport (LEDBAT) protocol is a recently standardized protocol that aims to offer a scavenger service (i.e. the goal is to exploit the remaining and unused capacity of a link). LEDBAT is a delay-based protocol mainly defined by two parameters: a target queuing delay and a gain. The RFC 6817 provides guidelines to configure both parameters that strongly impact on the LEDBAT behavior in terms of fairness with other protocols. However, these guidelines are questioned by several studies as they might lead to the generation of a non-LBE (Less-than-Best-Effort) traffic. This paper explores the set of optimal parameters allowing LEDBAT protocol to effectively perform as an LBE traffic. We conclude that the optimal couple of target and decrease gain is (5ms; 10). However, we observe that the aggregated use of optimized LEDBAT sources still disturb the overall traffic performance and that the exponential backoff is not an answer to this issue. As a result, we believe that additional strategies to limit the number of LEDBAT flows are required for integrating this protocol at a large scale.

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Réseaux / Autre

Rule-based Packet Scheduling for DVB-S2 Through Generic Stream Encapsulation

Auteurs : Dupé Jean-Baptiste, Chaput Emmanuel, Baudoin Cédric, Bès Caroline, Deramecourt Arnaud et Beylot André-Luc

In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.

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In this paper, we consider the problem of IP packet scheduling over a GSE/DVB-S2 satellite link. Scheduling flows with QoS requirements has been widely addressed in the mobile field, especially in LTE and WiMAX, with emphasis on fairness, efficiency and dynamic adaptation to transmission conditions. We focus on the well-known empirical scheduling rules known as PF, M-LWDF and EXP-PF for both QoS and MODCOD scheduling, and present how they were adapted to GSE/DVB-S2 encapsulation. Some of the challenging issues yielded by DVB-S2 are tackled, such as joint scheduling of both QoS and MODCODs, concatenation of numerous user packets into one BBFrame and fairness issues introduced by the scheduling algorithm, especially when dealing with various transmission scenarios. We show the potential of our scheduling algorithm using several simulations.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Asymptotic Analysis and Design of LDPC Codes for Laurent-Based Optimal and Suboptimal CPM Receivers

Auteurs : Benaddi Tarik, Poulliat Charly, Boucheret Marie-Laure, Gadat Benjamin et Lesthievent Guy

In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 4-10, 2014.

In this paper, we derive an analysis for a capacity approaching design of serially concatenated turbo schemes with continuous phase modulation (CPM) and low density parity check (LDPC) codes based on Laurent decomposition. The proposed design is based on extrinsic information evolution and Gaussian approximation. By inserting partial interleavers between LDPC and CPM and allowing degree-1 variable nodes under a certain constraint we show that designed rates can operate very close to the maximum achievable rate. Furthermore, we discuss the selection of low complexity receivers for the same optimized profiles.

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Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de journal

Residual Component Analysis of Hyperspectral Images - Application to Joint Nonlinear Unmixing and Nonlinearity Detection

Auteurs : Altmann Yoann, Dobigeon Nicolas, McLaughlin Stephen et Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 23, n° 5, pp. 2148-2158, May, 2014.

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This paper presents a nonlinear mixing model for joint hyperspectral image unmixing and nonlinearity detection. The proposed model assumes that the pixel reflectances are linear combinations of known pure spectral components corrupted by an additional nonlinear term, affecting the end members and contaminated by an additive Gaussian noise. A Markov random field is considered for nonlinearity detection based on the spatial structure of the nonlinear terms. The observed image is segmented into regions where nonlinear terms, if present, share similar statistical properties. A Bayesian algorithm is proposed to estimate the parameters involved in the model yielding a joint nonlinear unmixing and nonlinearity detection algorithm. The performance of the proposed strategy is first evaluated on synthetic data. Simulations conducted with real data show the accuracy of the proposed unmixing and nonlinearity detection strategy for the analysis of hyperspectral images.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Thèse de Doctorat

High-Sensitivity Adaptive GNSS Acquisition Schemes

Auteur : Esteves Paulo

Defended in May 2014

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Satellite navigation (GNSS) is a constant in our days. The number of applications that depend on it is already remarkable and is constantly increasing. With new applications, new challenges have also risen: much of the new demand for signals comes from urban areas where GNSS signal processing is highly complex. In this thesis the issue of weak GNSS signal processing is addressed, in particular at the first phase of the receiver processing, known as signal acquisition. The first axe of research pursued deals with the analysis and compensation of the Doppler effect in acquisition. The Doppler shift that is experienced by a user is one of the main design drivers for the acquisition module and solutions are proposed to improve the sensitivity-complexity trade-off typical of the acquisition process. The second axe of research deals with the characterization of differential GNSS detectors. After a first step of coherent integration, transition to postcoherent (noncoherent or differential) integration is required for acquiring weak signals. The quantification of the sensitivity of differential detectors was not found in literature and is the objective of this part of the research. Finally, the third axe of research is devoted to multi-constellation Collective Detection (CD). CD is an innovative approach for the simultaneous processing of all signals in view. Several issues related to CD are addressed, including the improvement of the CD search process and the hybridization with standard acquisition. Finally, the application of this methodology in the context of a multi-constellation receiver is also addressed, by processing simultaneously real GPS and Galileo signals.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Présentation de soutenance de thèse

High-Sensitivity Adaptive GNSS Acquisition Schemes

Auteur : Esteves Paulo

Defended in May 2014

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Satellite navigation (GNSS) is a constant in our days. The number of applications that depend on it is already remarkable and is constantly increasing. With new applications, new challenges have also risen: much of the new demand for signals comes from urban areas where GNSS signal processing is highly complex. In this thesis the issue of weak GNSS signal processing is addressed, in particular at the first phase of the receiver processing, known as signal acquisition. The first axe of research pursued deals with the analysis and compensation of the Doppler effect in acquisition. The Doppler shift that is experienced by a user is one of the main design drivers for the acquisition module and solutions are proposed to improve the sensitivity-complexity trade-off typical of the acquisition process. The second axe of research deals with the characterization of differential GNSS detectors. After a first step of coherent integration, transition to postcoherent (noncoherent or differential) integration is required for acquiring weak signals. The quantification of the sensitivity of differential detectors was not found in literature and is the objective of this part of the research. Finally, the third axe of research is devoted to multi-constellation Collective Detection (CD). CD is an innovative approach for the simultaneous processing of all signals in view. Several issues related to CD are addressed, including the improvement of the CD search process and the hybridization with standard acquisition. Finally, the application of this methodology in the context of a multi-constellation receiver is also addressed, by processing simultaneously real GPS and Galileo signals.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


Séminaire CAPTRONIC des apports des techniques avancées de Traitement du Signal pour les PMEs

Auteurs : Bonacci David, Mailhes Corinne et Castanié Francis


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Présentatrion des apports des techniques avancées de Traitement du Signal pour les PMEs

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Optimizing GNSS Navigation Data Message Decoding in Urban Environment

Auteurs : Roudier Marion, Poulliat Charly, Boucheret Marie-Laure, Garcia Pena Axel, Julien Olivier, Grelier Thomas, Ries Lionel et Kubrak Damien

In Proc. Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (IEEE/ION PLANS), Monterey, USA, May 5-8, 2014.

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Nowadays, the majority of new GNSS applications targets dynamic users in urban environments; therefore the decoder input in GNSS receivers needs to be adapted to the urban propagation channel to avoid mismatched decoding when using soft input channel decoding. The aim of this paper consists thus in showing that the GNSS signals demodulation performance is significantly improved integrating an advanced soft detection function as decoder input in urban areas. This advanced detection function takes into account takes into account some a priori information on the available Channel State Information (CSI). If no CSI is available, one has to blindly adapt the detection function in order to operate close to the perfect CSI case. This will lead to avoid mismatched decoding due to, for example, the consideration by default of the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel for the derivation of soft inputs to be fed to soft input decoders. As a consequence the decoding performance will be improved in urban areas. The expressions of the soft decoder input function adapted for an urban environment is highly dependent on the available CSI at the receiver end. Based on different model of urban propagation channels, several CSI contexts will be considered namely perfect CSI, partial statistical CSI and no CSI. Simulation results will be given related to the GPS L1C demodulation performance with these different advanced detection function expressions in an urban environment. The results presented in this paper are valid for any kind of soft input decoders, such as Viterbi decoding for trellis based codes, the MAP/BCJR decoding for turbo-codes and the Belief Propagation decoding for LDPC codes.

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Communications numériques / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Partial CRC-Assisted Error Correction of AIS Signals Received by Satellite

Auteurs : Prévost Raoul, Coulon Martial, Bonacci David, Le Maitre Julia, Millerioux Jean-Pierre et Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.

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This paper deals with the demodulation of automatic identification system (AIS) signals received by a satellite. More precisely, an error correction algorithm is presented, whose computational complexity is reduced with respect to that of a previously considered approach. This latter approach makes use of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) of a message as redundancy, in order to correct transmission errors. In this paper, the CRC is also considered as a correction tool, but only a part of it is used for that purpose; the remaining part is only used as an error detection means. This novel approach allows the decoding performance to be adapted to the noise power, and provides a reduction of the computational complexity. Simulation results obtained with and without complexity optimization are presented and compared in the context of the AIS system.

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Communications numériques / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Selective Analytic Signal Construction from a Non-Uniform Ssampled Bandpass Signal

Auteurs : Vernhes Jean-Adrien, Chabert Marie, Lacaze Bernard, Lesthievent Guy et Baudin Roland

In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014.

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This paper proposes a method that simultaneously builds the analytic signal from non-uniform samples of a bandpass signal and rejects interferences. The analytic signal is required for many onboard operations in communication satellites. This method operates in the time domain and without preliminary demodulation, using Periodic Non-uniform Sampling of order 2 (PNS2). This non-uniform sampling scheme can be easily implemented with available devices. Exact formulas for the analytic signal construction are derived for an infinite observation window (an infinite number of samples). For practical applications, the formulas should also demonstrate a high convergence rate due to the finite observation window. Formulas with increasing convergence rates are thus derived. The proposed method has been tested through simulations according to the number of available samples, the interference parameters and the filter transfer function regularity.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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