
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

Bulk Data Transfer through VANET Infrastructure

Auteurs : Astudillo Salinas Darwin Fabian, Chaput Emmanuel et Beylot André-Luc

In Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2013), Dresden, Germany, June 2-5, 2013.

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Content distribution over ad-hoc networks has been widely studied and numerous solutions can be adapted to VANETs (vehicular networks). VANETs, however, can also benefit from an infrastructure in order to improve the efficiency of any content dissemination technique, while allowing more transmissions resources to be available for safety applications. Unfortunately, so far, no such solution has been proposed. In this paper, we introduce the use of an 802.11p infrastructure based on Road Side Units (RSU) for downloading data (eg a map) to vehicles on a highway. At the application level, the main challenge is then how to deliver data to a large number of moving receivers with limited connectivity. While broadcasting data through each RSU should efficiently provide the cars with most of the data, one could believe that some specific transmissions based on vehicles needs could help to reach full downloads. Using simulations, we observed however that the best performances are achieved by a pure broadcasting system.

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Réseaux / Autre

Article de journal

Stochastic Behavior Analysis of the Gaussian Kernel-Least-Mean-Square Algorithm

Auteurs : Parreira Wemerson, Bermudez José, Richard Cédric et Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, n° 5, pp. 2208-2222, May, 2013.

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The kernel least-mean-square (KLMS) algorithm is a popular algorithm in nonlinear adaptive filtering due to its simplicity and robustness. In kernel adaptive filters, the statistics of the input to the linear filter depends on the parameters of the kernel employed. Moreover, practical implementations require a finite nonlinearity model order. A Gaussian KLMS has two design parameters, the step size and the Gaussian kernel bandwidth. Thus, its design requires analytical models for the algorithm behavior as a function of these two parameters. This paper studies the steady-state behavior and the transient behavior of the Gaussian KLMS algorithm for Gaussian inputs and a finite order nonlinearity model. In particular, we derive recursive expressions for the mean-weight-error vector and the mean-square-error. The model predictions show excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations in transient and steady state. This allows the explicit analytical determination of stability limits, and gives opportunity to choose the algorithm parameters a priori in order to achieve prescribed convergence speed and quality of the estimate. Design examples are presented which validate the theoretical analysis and illustrates its application.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images Using Gaussian Processes

Auteurs : Altmann Yoann, Dobigeon Nicolas, McLaughlin Stephen et Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, n° 10, pp. 2442-2453, May, 2013.

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This paper presents an unsupervised algorithm for nonlinear unmixing of hyperspectral images. The proposed model assumes that the pixel reßectances result froma nonlinear function of the abundance vectors associated with the pure spectral components. We assume that the spectral signatures of the pure components and the nonlinear function are unknown. The Þrst step of the proposedmethod estimates the abundance vectors for all the image pixels using a Bayesian approach an aGaussian process latent variable model for the nonlinear function (relating the abundance vectors to the observations). The endmembers are subsequently estimated using Gaussian process regression. The performance of the unmixing strategy is Þrst evaluated on synthetic data. The proposed method provides accurate abundance and endmember estimations when compared to other linear and nonlinear unmixing strategies. An interesting property is its robustness to the absence of pure pixels in the image. The analysis of a real hyperspectral image shows results that are in good agreement with state of the art unmixing strategies and with a recent classiÞcation method.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Equivalent Circuits for the PNS3 Sampling Scheme

Auteur : Lacaze Bernard

Sampling Theory in Signal & Image Processing, vol. 12, pp. 245-265, May, 2013.

Periodic nonuniform sampling of order three (PNS3) is a sampling scheme composed of three periodic sequences with the same period. It is well-known that this sampling scheme can be useful to remove aliasing. Previous studies have provided conditions on the spectrum support for exact reconstruction in the case of functions. This paper deals more generally with the best mean-square interpolation for stationary processes with any known power spectrum, from PNS3 and possibly aliasing. We show that the best estimation is based upon particular linear filters, which depend on the gap between the sampling sequences. The mean-time error also depends on this gap. The errorless interpolation is a particular case. It requires the knowledge of the spectral support rather than the spectral true values.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Bayesian Estimation for the Multifractality Parameter

Auteurs : Wendt Herwig, Dobigeon Nicolas, Tourneret Jean-Yves et Abry Patrice

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Proc. (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013.

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Multifractal analysis has matured into a widely used signal and image processing tool. Due to the statistical nature of multifractal processes (strongly non-Gaussian and intricate dependence) the accurate estimation of multifractal parameters is very challenging in situations where the sample size is small (notably including a range of biomedical applications) and currently available estimators need to be improved. To overcome such limitations, the present contribution proposes a Bayesian estimation procedure for the multifractality (or intermittence) parameter. Its originality is threefold : First, the use of wavelet leaders, a recently introduced multiresolution quantity that has been shown to yield significant benefits for multifractal analysis ; Second, the construction of a simple yet generic semi-parametric model for the marginals and covariance structure of wavelet leaders for the large class of multiplicative cascade based multifractal processes ; Third, the construction of original Bayesian estimators associated with the model and the constraints imposed by multifractal theory. Performance are numerically assessed and illustrated for synthetic multifractal processes for a range of multifractal parameter values. The proposed procedure yields significantly improved estimation performance for small sample sizes.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Thèse de Doctorat

Modélisation des signatures radar des tourbillons de sillage par temps de pluie

Auteur : Liu Zhongxun

Defended in May 2013

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In recent years, wake vortex monitoring in real time has emerged as one of the key challenges in air trac control at landing or taking-o . In clear air, several experimental tests have demonstrated that Lidar is an e ective sensor for wake vortex monitoring. In rainy weather, Lidar becomes blind and Radar is a candidate sensor to detect the motion of raindrops in wake vortices. Thus, investigation on radar monitoring of wake vortices in rainy weather is of both scienti c and practical interests. This topic has been tackled through three successive steps during thisthesis. Firstly, the motion of raindrops in wake vortices has been modeled and simulated. The equation of the motion has been derived and the methodology to compute the raindrops' trajectory and distribution in the flow induced by the wake vortices has been proposed. Secondly, two simulators have been developed for evaluating the radar signatures of raindrops in wake vortices. One simulator is based on the simulation of radar signal time series, by superimposing the radar backscattered signal from each raindrop in the wake vortex region. The other one is based on the raindrops' number concentration and velocity distribution in wake vortices, enabling the computation of radar signatures much more eciently. Those simulators have been used to reproduce experimental configurations and the comparison between measured and simulated signature has shown an interesting agreement at X and W band. Lastly, the interpretation of radar signatures of raindrops in wake vortices has been presented. Based on the computation of three spectral moments, the dependence of radar signatures on rain rate, vortex circulation and radar parameters has been studied for vortices generated by different aircraft types. A wake vortex detection method based on the analysis of Doppler spectrum width of raindrops has been proposed. Considering radar scanning under flight path, a methodology to estimate the wake vortex characteristics has been proposed. Preliminary simulation results have shown its effectiveness. The radar signatures of wake vortices in rainy weather have been modeled and analyzed in this thesis. The simulation results have demonstrated the capability of radar to detect wake vortex in rainy weather. The methodologies developed in this thesis can be further exploited for designing new wake vortex radar systems.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation

Présentation de soutenance de thèse

Modélisation des signatures radar des tourbillons de sillage par temps de pluie

Auteur : Liu Zhongxun

Defended in May 2013

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In recent years, wake vortex monitoring in real time has emerged as one of the key challenges in air trac control at landing or taking-o . In clear air, several experimental tests have demonstrated that Lidar is an e ective sensor for wake vortex monitoring. In rainy weather, Lidar becomes blind and Radar is a candidate sensor to detect the motion of raindrops in wake vortices. Thus, investigation on radar monitoring of wake vortices in rainy weather is of both scienti c and practical interests. This topic has been tackled through three successive steps during thisthesis. Firstly, the motion of raindrops in wake vortices has been modeled and simulated. The equation of the motion has been derived and the methodology to compute the raindrops' trajectory and distribution in the flow induced by the wake vortices has been proposed. Secondly, two simulators have been developed for evaluating the radar signatures of raindrops in wake vortices. One simulator is based on the simulation of radar signal time series, by superimposing the radar backscattered signal from each raindrop in the wake vortex region. The other one is based on the raindrops' number concentration and velocity distribution in wake vortices, enabling the computation of radar signatures much more eciently. Those simulators have been used to reproduce experimental configurations and the comparison between measured and simulated signature has shown an interesting agreement at X and W band. Lastly, the interpretation of radar signatures of raindrops in wake vortices has been presented. Based on the computation of three spectral moments, the dependence of radar signatures on rain rate, vortex circulation and radar parameters has been studied for vortices generated by different aircraft types. A wake vortex detection method based on the analysis of Doppler spectrum width of raindrops has been proposed. Considering radar scanning under flight path, a methodology to estimate the wake vortex characteristics has been proposed. Preliminary simulation results have shown its effectiveness. The radar signatures of wake vortices in rainy weather have been modeled and analyzed in this thesis. The simulation results have demonstrated the capability of radar to detect wake vortex in rainy weather. The methodologies developed in this thesis can be further exploited for designing new wake vortex radar systems.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation

Article de conférence

Modélisation et prédiction des produits d’intermodulation passifs

Auteur : Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM), Paris, France, May 14-17, 2013.

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Les dispositifs passifs ne sont pas parfaitement linéaires aux très fortes puissances. Ils créent des harmoniques et des produits d’intermodulation pairs et impairs. Ces produits peuvent perturber fortement les performances des récepteurs utilisant les mêmes équipements passifs ou simplement installés sur le même site que les émetteurs. Ces produits n’obéissent pas à la loi classique de croissance en fonction de la puissance d’entrée avec une pente en dB/dB égale à l’ordre du produit. Ceci a interdit, jusqu’à présent, de modéliser correctement ces dispositifs. On propose une modélisation par des fonctions non analytiques qui permet de mieux reproduire cette caractéristique avec un nombre minimal de coefficients et à partir d’un nombre minimal de mesures.

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Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Joint Phase-Recovery and Demodulation-Decoding of AIS Signals Received by Satellite

Auteurs : Prévost Raoul, Coulon Martial, Bonacci David, Le Maitre Julia, Millerioux Jean-Pierre et Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013.

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This paper presents a demodulation algorithm for automatic identification system (AIS) signals received by a satellite. The main contribution of this work is to consider the phase recovery problem for an unknown modulation index, coupled with a time-varying phase shift. The proposed method is based on a demodulator introduced in a previous paper based on a Viterbi-type algorithm applied to an extended trellis. The states of this extended trellis are composed of a trellis-code state and of a cyclic redundancy check state. The bit stuffing mechanism is taken into account by defining special conditional transitions in the extended trellis. This algorithm estimates and tracks the phase shift by modifying the Euclidean distance used in the trellis. Simulation results obtained with and without phase tracking are presented and compared in the context of the AIS system.

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Communications numériques / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Modified Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds for TOA and Symbol Width Estimation - An Application to Search and Rescue Signals

Auteurs : Bissoli Nicolau Victor, Coulon Martial, Gregoire Yoan, Calmettes Thibaud et Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 26-31, 2013.

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This paper focuses on the performance of time of arrival estimators for distress beacon signals which are defined by pulses with smooth transitions. These signals are used in the satellite-based search and rescue Cospas-Sarsat system. We propose a signal model based on sigmoidal functions. Closed-form expressions for the modified Cram´er-Rao bounds associated with the parameters of this model are derived. The obtained expressions are easy to interpret since they analytically depend on the system parameters. Simulations conducted on realistic search and rescue signals show good agreement with the theoretical results.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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