
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de journal

Knowledge-Aided STAP in Heterogeneous Clutter Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Algorithm

Auteurs : Bidon Stéphanie, Besson Olivier et Tourneret Jean-Yves

IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 43, n° 3, pp. 1863-1879, 2011.

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The problem of estimating the covariance matrix of a primary vector from heterogeneous samples and some prior knowledge is addressed, under the framework of knowledge-aided space-time adaptive processing (KA-STAP). More precisely, a Gaussian scenario is considered where the covariance matrix of the secondary data may differ from the one of interest. Additionally, some knowledge on the primary data is supposed to be available and summarized in a prior matrix. Two KA-estimation schemes are presented in a Bayesian framework whereby the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimates are derived. The first scheme is an extension of a previous work and takes into account the nonhomogeneity via an original relation. In search of simplicity and to reduce the computational load, a second estimation scheme, less complex, is proposed and omits the fact that the environment may be heterogeneous. Along the estimation process, not only the covariance matrix is estimated but also some parameters representing the degree of a priori and/or the degree of heterogeneity. Performance of the two approaches are then compared using STAP synthetic data. STAP filter shapes are analyzed and also compared with a colored loading technique.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Making Hierarchical Modulation More Flexible

Auteurs : Meric Hugo, Lacan Jérôme, Amiot Bazile Caroline, Arnal Fabrice, Boucheret Marie-Laure, Faraj Zakaryia et Lesthievent Guy

In Peoc. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC 2011), Nara, Japan, November 28 - December 1st, 2011.

In a broadcast system using the hierarchical modulation, the system delivers several streams with different waveforms and required Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), typically SD- TV and HD-TV. At the application layer, each stream is delivered with a particular rate. The physical layer must be defined in order to optimize the protection of each stream with respect to the double constraints of both the data rates and the SNR thresholds. We show in this paper that a standard like DVB-SH is not always well adapted to meet these system constraints in operational typical cases. After exposing the current limitations of a classical hierarchical modulation approach, we present two possible adaptations to address these operational requirements and offer more flexibility in hierarchical modulation design.

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Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Clutter Rejection for MTI Radar Using a Single Antenna and a Long Integration Time

Auteurs : Goy Jean-Philippe, Vincent François et Tourneret Jean-Yves

In Proc. The Fourth International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 13-16, 2011.

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Moving Target Indicators (MTI) are airborne radar systems designed to detect and track moving vehicles or aircrafts. In this paper, we address the problem of detecting hazardous collision targets to avoid them. One of the best known solutions to solve this problem is given by the so-called Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) algorithms which optimally filter the target signal from interference and noise exploiting the specific relationship between Direction Of Arrival (DOA) and Doppler for the ground clutter. However, these algorithms require an antenna array and multiple reception channels that increase cost and complexity. The authors propose an alternative solution using a single antenna only. In addition to the standard Doppler shift related to the radial speed, the orthoradial speed of any target can be estimated if using a long integration time. Dangerous targets and ground clutter have different signatures in the radial- rthoradial velocity plane. An optimal detector is then proposed based on the oblique projection onto the signal subspace orthogonal to the clutter subspace. The theoretical performances of this detector are derived and a realistic radar scene simulation shows the benefits of this new MTI detector.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Hybridisation of WSN and Satellite

Auteurs : Raveneau Patrice, Chaput Emmanuel, Dhaou Riadh, Dubois Emmanuel et Gélard Patrick

In Proc. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC 2011), Nara, Japan, November 28-December 1st, 2011.

Monitoring some types of events can be very challenging depending on where data is collected. Hence, the use of in-situ wireless sensor networks combined with observing satellites can be very useful. These two technologies are often used to monitor systems separately but it is rare that data collected each one is used mutually to consolidate a view of the system state. We propose an architecture composed of WSN and LEO satellites. This architecture has to handle links' disruptions. In this study, the architecture relies on DTN. The main issue of this architecture is the routing within the whole network. The scenario we interest in is based on wildfires monitoring and detection. © 2011 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de journal

Stochastic Analysis of an Error Power Ratio Scheme Applied to the Affine Combination of Two LMS Adaptive Filters

Auteurs : Bershad Neil, Bermudez José et Tourneret Jean-Yves

Signal Processing, EURASIP, vol. 91, n° 11, pp. 2615-2622, November, 2011.

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The affine combination of two adaptive filters that simultaneously adapt on the same inputs has been actively investigated. In these structures, the filter outputs are linearly combined to yield a performance that is better than that of either filter. Various decision rules can be used to determine the time-varying parameter for combining the filter outputs. A recently proposed scheme based on the ratio of error powers of the two filters has been shown by simulation to achieve nearly optimum performance. The purpose of this paper is to present a first analysis of the statistical behavior of this error power scheme for white Gaussian inputs. Expressions are derived for the mean behavior of the combination parameter and for the adaptive weight mean-square deviation. Monte Carlo simulations show good to excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

New Formulas for Irregular Sampling of Two-Bands Signals

Auteur : Lacaze Bernard

Journal of Signal and Information Processing, vol. 2, n° 4, pp. 253-256, November, 2011.

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Many sampling formulas are available for processes in baseband (-a,a) at the Nyquist rate a/π. However signals of telecommunications have power spectra which occupate two bands or more. We know that PNS (periodic non-uniform sampling) allow an errorless reconstruction at rate smaller than the Nyquist one. For instance PNS2 can be used in the two-bands case (-a,-b)∪(b,a) at the Landau rate (a-b)/π We prove a set of formulas which are available in cases more general than the PNS2. They take into account two sampling sequences which can be periodic or not and with same mean rate or not.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

ECG Denoising Using a Dynamical Model and a Marginalized Particle Filter

Auteurs : Lin Chao, Bugallo Monica, Mailhes Corinne et Tourneret Jean-Yves

in Proc. IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers (invited paper), Pacific Grove, CA, November 6-9, 2011.

The development of robust ECG denoising techniques is important for automatic diagnoses of cardiac diseases. Based on a previously suggested nonlinear dynamic model for the generation of realistic synthetic ECG, we introduce a modified ECG dynamical model with 18 state variables to further include morphology variations. A marginalized particle filter is proposed for tracking this modified nonlinear state-space model which has linear substructures. Quantitative evaluations on the MIT-BIH database show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the extended Kalman filter-based algorithms and can better handle non-Gaussian distributions.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de journal

Development of a Radar Simulator for Monitoring Wake Vortices in Rainy Weather

Auteurs : Liu Zhongxun, Jeannin Nicolas et Vincent François

Radar IEEE CIE, vol. 1, pp. 284-287, October, 2011.

A simulator for the evaluation of the radar signature of raindrops within wake vortices is presented. Simulated Doppler spectrum of raindrops within vortices let to think that it could be a potential criterion for identifying wake vortex hazard in rainy weather.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Flight Parameter Estimation for Augmented Flight Control System Autonomy

Auteurs : Cazes Florian, Mailhes Corinne, Chabert Marie, Goupil Philippe, Dayre Rémi et Le Berre Hervé

In Proc. SAE, Aerotech, Toulouse, France, October 18-21, 2011.

In the framework of the aircraft global optimization, for future and upcoming programs, the main objective of current research is to increase aircraft maneuverability and thus Electrical Flight Control System (EFCS) autonomy. A possible solution is to increase the number of redundant flight parameter sensors. This paper proposes an algorithm using PLS (Partial Least Squares) to estimate a flight parameter from independent sensor measurements. The estimates are then used as so-called “software” or “virtual” sensors. This algorithm is based on an iterative processing and thus can be used in real time in the embedded flight computer. Furthermore, the resulting flight parameter estimates can be used to detect failures. In that way, different detection strategies are proposed and results show that this method can lead to robust detections.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes de communication aéronautiques

Article de journal

Improving Satellite Services with Cooperative Communications

Auteurs : Paillassa Béatrice, Escrig Benoît, Dhaou Riadh, Boucheret Marie-Laure et Bès Caroline

International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, Volume 29 - Issue 6/2011, ISSN: 1542-0973, pp 479-500, October, 2011.

This paper proposes new transmission schemes for the delivery of satellite services. In the proposed scenarios, mobile terminals are allowed to forward the signal received from the satellite. This scheme provides spatial diversity just like MIMO transmission schemes. Moreover, the coverage area is extended because masked terminals have an additional opportunity to get the service from neighboring terminals. We use the paradigm of cooperative communications to compare the advantages and limitations of several scenarios in hybrid terrestrial/satellite systems. In particular, we study the following basic transmission scheme: in a first time slot, the satellite sends its signal and, in a second time slot, mobile terrestrial terminals are relaying the satellite signal. An analysis framework is proposed and applied to this cooperation scenario at the destination terminal. The framework is modeling the cooperation process and clearly separates the control part from the data user part. The paper outlines the importance of the control part by evaluating the relay selection policy on a basic hybrid satellite/ad hoc system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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