
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

Approximation et Estimation de Réponses Spectrales d’Instruments

Auteurs : El Haouari Jihanne, Tourneret Jean-Yves, Wendt Herwig, Pittet Christelle et Gaucel Jean-Michel

In Proc. XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), Grenoble, France, August 28-September 1, 2023.

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Différents spectromètres ou imageurs hyperspectraux sont utilisés afin de déterminer la concentration de certains gaz au niveau de l’atmosphère. La détermination de la réponse spectrale de ces instruments est un problème important car une connaissance imparfaite peut induire des erreurs dans les concentrations de gaz obtenues. Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode d’estimation de la réponse spectrale d’un spectromètre basée sur un algorithme de type Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) qui permet de décomposer cette réponse dans un dictionnaire de fonctions de base de manière parcimonieuse.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

Article de journal

Priority Switching Scheduler

Auteurs : Finzi Anaïs, Perrier Victor, Frances Fabrice et Lochin Emmanuel

International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, vol. 41, Issue 6, pp. 617-633, November-December, 2023.

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We define a novel core network router scheduling architecture called priority switching scheduler (PSS), to carry and isolate time constrained and elastic traffic flows from best-effort traffic. To date, one possible solution has been to implement a core DiffServ network with standard fair queuing and scheduling mechanisms as proposed in the well-known “A Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for Capacity-Admitted Traffic” from RFC5865. This architecture is one of the most selected solutions by internet service provider for access networks (e.g., customer-premises equipment) and deployed within several performance-enhancing proxies (PEPs) over satellite communications (SATCOM) architectures. In this study, we argue that the proposed standard implementation does not allow to efficiently quantify the reserved capacity for the AF class. By using a novel credit-based shaper mechanism called burst limiting shaper (BLS) to manage the AF class, we show that PSS can provide the same isolation for the time constrained EF class while better quantifying the part allocated to the AF class. PSS operates both when the output link capacity is fixed (e.g., wire links and terrestrial networks) or might vary due to system impairments or weather condition (e.g., wireless or satellite links). We demonstrate the capability of PSS through an emulated SATCOM scenario with variable capacity and show the AF output rate is less dependent on the EF traffic, which improves the quantification of the reserved capacity of AF, without impacting EF traffic.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

On GNSS Synchronization Performance Degradation under Interference Scenarios: Bias and Misspecified Cramér-Rao Bounds

Auteurs : Ortega Espluga Lorenzo, Lubeigt Corentin, Vilà-Valls Jordi et Chaumette Eric

Navigation, vol. 70 (4), pp. navi.606, July, 2023.

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Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are a key player in a plethora of applications, ranging from navigation and timing, to Earth observation or space weather characterization. For navigation purposes, interference scenarios are among the most challenging operation conditions, which clearly impact the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of the signal synchronization parameters. While several interference mitigation techniques exist, a theoretical analysis on the GNSS MLE performance degradation under interference, being fundamental for system/receiver design, is a missing tool. The main goal of this contribution is to provide such analysis, by deriving closed-form expressions of the misspecified Cramér-Rao (MCRB) bound and estimation bias, for a generic GNSS signal corrupted by an interference. The proposed bias and MCRB expressions are validated for a linear frequency modulation chirp signal interference.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de conférence

On the Network Characterization of Nano-Satellite Swarms09

Auteurs : Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard et Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. 28th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2023), Tunis, Tunisia, 9-12 July, 2023.

Low-frequency radio interferometry is crucial to understanding the universe and its very early days. Unfortunately, most of the current instruments are ground-based and thus impacted by the interferences massively produced by the Earth. To alleviate this issue, scientific missions aim at using Moonorbiting nano-satellite swarms as distributed radio-telescopes in outer space, keeping them out of Earth interference range. However, swarms of nano-satellites are systems with complex dynamics and need to be appropriately characterized to achieve their scientific mission. This paper presents a methodology based on graph theory for characterizing the swarm network system by computing graph theory metrics around three properties: the node density, network connectivity and ISL availability. We show that these properties are well-suited for highlighting a possible heterogeneity in a network and adapt a routing strategy accordingly. This work is the first milestone in defining the best-suited routing strategy within the swarm from the derived network properties.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


Massive MIMO Radar for Target Detection

Auteur : Fortunati Stefano

Seminar of TeSA, Toulouse, June 28, 2023.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes de communication aéronautiques, Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de conférence

Fair Network Division of Nano-satellite Swarms

Auteurs : Akopyan Evelyne, Dhaou Riadh, Lochin Emmanuel, Pontet Bernard et Sombrin Jacques B.

In Proc. IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), Florence, Italy, June 2023.

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We address the problem of partitioning a network of nano-satellites to distribute fairly the network load under energy consumption constraints. The study takes place in a context where this swarm of nano-satellites orbits the Moon and works as, but not limited to, a distributed radio-telescope for low-frequency radio interferometry. During an interferometry mission, each nano-satellite collects observation data, then shares them with the other swarm members to compute a global image of space. However, the simultaneous transmission of large volumes of data can cause communication issues by overloading the radio channel, leading to potential packet loss. In this context, we investigate three division algorithms based on graph sampling techniques. We prove that random walk-based algorithms overall perform the best in terms of conservation of graph properties and fairness for group sizes down to 10% of the original graph.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Lightweight synchronization to NB-IoT enabled LEO Satellites through Doppler prediction

Auteurs : Zhou Zheng, Accettura Nicola, Prévost Raoul et Berthou Pascal

In Proc. The 19th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (IEEE WiMob 2023), Montreal, Canada, Canada, 21-23 June 2023.

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In the last decade, it has been quickly recognized that backhauling Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) through Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites paves the way to the development of novel applications for a truly ubiquitous Internet of Things (IoT). Among LPWAN communications technologies, Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) does not suffer from interference by other concurrent technologies since it works on a licensed frequency spectrum. At the same time, thanks to its medium access scheme based on contention resolution and resource allocation, NB-IoT is a key enabler for the specific market slice of IoT applications requiring a good level of reliability. In the architectural configuration analyzed throughout this contribution, an NB-IoT low power User Equipment (UE) can communicate with a LEO satellite equipped with an Evolved Node B (eNB) for a time limited to the visibility window of that satellite from the UE position on the Earth. However, the Doppler effect inherent to the time-varying relative speed of the eNB needs to be dealt with additional resources. The solutions proposed until now are non-trivial, thus making the use of NB- IoT for ground-to-satellite communications still expensive and energetically inefficient. Timely, this contribution proposes a procedure for a UE to infer the future values of the Doppler shift from the beacon signals so that frequency pre-compensation can be easily applied in the following interactions during the visibility time. The presented simulation results show that a UE needs to listen to about 10 beacon signals in 1 second to accurately and robustly predict the Doppler curve, thus enabling a lightweight (and eventually truly energy-efficient) implementation of NB-IoT over ground-to-satellite links.

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Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


Hidden Markov Models and Bayesian Inference

Auteur : Yildrim Sinan

Seminar of TeSA, Toulouse, June 12, 2023.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Theoretical Performance Analysis of GNSS Tracking Loops

Auteurs : Labsir Samy, Pages Gaël, Ortega Espluga Lorenzo, Vilà-Valls Jordi et Chaumette Eric

In Proc. IEEE/Institute of Navigation (ION) Positioning, Location, and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, California-USA. April 24-28, 2023.

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This paper aims to characterize the estimation precision at the output of the GNSS receiver tracking stage. We define an original statistical modelling of the GNSS tracking loop, which can then be exploited by an optimal linear Kalman Filter (KF) in order to obtain an analytical expression of the steady-state regime. The latter is designed to encompass dynamic information of the GNSS receiver. Two observation models are of interest: the first one considers the propagation delay and Doppler parameters, and the second one also including the Doppler rate, i.e., the acceleration, which is known to be relevant for high dynamics scenarios and can easily be included into the acquisition step. Within this context, the steady-state asymptotic performance of the tracking stage is obtained by solving an algebraic discrete Riccati equation. In both cases, simulation results are provided to show the validity of the proposed approach and the resulting steady-state performance.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

GNSS L5/E5 Maximum Likelihood Synchronization Performance Degradation under DME Interferences

Auteurs : Ortega Espluga Lorenzo, Lubeigt Corentin, Vilà-Valls Jordi et Chaumette Eric

In Proc. IEEE/Institute of Navigation (ION) Positioning, Location, and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, California-USA. April 24-28, 2023.

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Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are a key player in a plethora of applications. For navigation purposes, interference scenarios are among the most challenging operation conditions, which clearly impact the maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of the signal synchronization parameters. While several interference mitigation techniques exist, a theoretical analysis on the GNSS MLE performance degradation under interference, being fundamental for system/receiver design, is a missing tool. The main goal of this contribution is to introduce a mathematical tool to evalute the effect of any type of interference on any GNSS signal. Regarding such tool, we provide closedform expressions of the misspecified Cram´er-Rao (MCRB) bound and estimation bias, for a generic GNSS signal corrupted by an interference. The proposed expressions are used to analyze the GNSS performance degradation induced by the distance measuring equipment (DME) system.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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