
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

Hardware/Software Co-Design Experience for Onboard Satellite Navigation Receiver

Auteurs : Dion Arnaud, Boutillon Emmanuel, Calmettes Vincent et Liegon Emmanuel

In Proc. User Track of Design Automation Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 13-18, 2010.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Performances of a GNSS Receiver for Space-Based Applications

Auteurs : Dion Arnaud, Calmettes Vincent, Bousquet Michel et Boutillon Emmanuel

In Proc. Toulouse Space Show, Toulouse, France, June 8-11, 2010.

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Space Vehicle (SV) life span depends on its station keeping capability. Station keeping is the ability of the vehicle to maintain position and orientation. Due to external perturbations, the trajectory of the SV derives from the ideal orbit. Actual positioning systems for satellites are mainly based on ground equipment, which means heavy infrastructures. Autonomous positioning and navigation systems using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can then represent a great reduction in platform design and operating costs. Studies have been carried out and the first operational systems, based on GPS receivers, become available. But better availability of service could be obtained considering a receiver able to process GPS and Galileo signals. Indeed Galileo system will be compatible with the current and the modernized GPS system in terms of signals representation and navigation data. The greater availability obtained with such a receiver would allow significant increase of the number of point solutions and performance enhancement. For a mid-term perspective Thales Alenia Space finances a PhD to develop the concept of a reconfigurable receiver able to deal with both the GPS system and the future Galileo system. In this context, the aim of this paper is to assess the performances of a receiver designed for Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) applications. It is shown that high improvements are obtained with a receiver designed to track both GPS and Galileo satellites. The performance assessments have been used to define the specifications of the future satellite GNSS receiver.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation et Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de journal

Improving QoS of all-IP Generation of Pre-WiMax Networks Using Delay-Jitter Model

Auteurs : Dahmouni Hamza, El Ghazi Hassan, Bonacci David, Sansò Brunilde et Girard André

Journal of Telecommunications, vol. 2, no. 2, pp 99-103, May, 2010.

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The topic of this paper is the evaluation of QoS parameters in live Pre-Wimax environments. The main contribution is the validation of an analytical delay-jitter behavior model. These models can be used in optimization algorithms in order to provide opportunistic and reliable all-IP networks. It allows understanding the impact of the jitter constraints on the throughput and packet loss in wireless systems. However, we show that the real-time QoS requirements of real-time and interactive services can be avoided to a large degree by controlling only the packet delay-jitter in a fixed and mobile environment. The QoS metrics have been computed from live measurements in a Pre-Wimax realistic environment (Toulouse/Blagnac Airport).

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Réseaux / Systèmes de communication aéronautiques

Thèse de Doctorat

Degraded Modes Resulting From the Multi Constellation Use of GNSS

Auteur : Ouzeau Christophe

Defended in April 2010

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The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has defined the concept of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which corresponds to the set of systems allowing to perform satellite-based navigation while fulfilling ICAO requirements. The US Global Positioning Sysem (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system which constitutes one of the components of the GNSS. Currently, this system broadcasts a civil signal, called L1 C/A, within an Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services (ARNS) band. The GPS is being modernized and will broadcast two new civil signals: L2C (not in an ARNS band) and L5 in another ARNS band. Galileo is the European counterpart of GPS. It will broadcast three signals in an ARNS band: Galileo E1 OS (Open Service) will be transmitted in the GPS L1 frequency band and Galileo E5a and E5b will be broadcasted in the same 960-1215 MHz ARNS band than that of GPS L5. GPS L5 and Galileo E1, E5a, E5b components are expected to provide operational benefits for civil aviation use. However, civil aviation requirements are very stringent and up to now, the bare systems alone cannot be used as a means of navigation. For instance, the GPS standalone does not implement sufficient integrity monitoring. Therefore, in order to ensure the levels of performance required by civil aviation in terms of accuracy, integrity, continuity of service and availability, ICAO standards define different systems/algorithms to augment the basic constellations. GPS, Galileo and the augmentation systems could be combined to comply with the ICAO requirements and complete the lack of GPS or Galileo standalone performance. In order to take benefits of new GNSS signals, and to provide the service level required by the ICAO, the architecture of future combined GNSS receivers must be standardized. The European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) Working Group 62, which is in charge of Galileo standardization for civil aviation in Europe, proposes new combined receivers architectures, in coordination with the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA). The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the efforts made by the WG 62 by providing inputs necessary to build future receivers architecture to take benefits of GPS, Galileo and augmentation systems. In this report, we propose some key elements of the combined receivers’ architecture to comply with approach phases of flight requirements. In case of perturbation preventing one of the needed GNSS components to meet a phase of flight required performance, it is necessary to be able to switch to another available component in order to try to maintain if possible the level of performance in terms of continuity, integrity, availability and accuracy. That is why future combined receivers must be capable of detecting the impact of perturbations that may lead to the loss of one GNSS component, in order to be able to initiate a switch. These perturbations are mainly atmospheric disturbances, interferences and multipath. In this thesis we focus on the particular cases of interferences and ionosphere perturbations. The interferences are among the most feared events in civil aviation use of GNSS. Detection, estimation and removal of the effect of interference on GNSS signals remain open issues and may affect pseudorange measurements accuracy, as well as integrity, continuity and availability of these measurements. In literature, many different interference detection algorithms have been proposed, at the receiver antenna level, at the front-end level. Detection within tracking loops is not widely studied to our knowledge. That is why, in this thesis, we address the problem of interference detection at the correlators outputs. The particular case of CW interferences detection on the GPS L1 C/A and Galileo E1 OS signals processing is proposed. Nominal dual frequency measurements provide a good estimation of ionospheric delay. In addition, the combination of GPS or GALILEO navigation signals processing at the receiver level is expected to provide important improvements for civil aviation. It could, potentially with augmentations, provide better accuracy and availability of ionospheric correction measurements. Indeed, GPS users will be able to combine GPS L1 and L5 frequencies, and future GALILEO E1 and E5 signals will bring their contribution. However, if affected by a Radio Frequency Interference, a receiver can lose one or more frequencies leading to the use of only one frequency to estimate the ionospheric code delay. Therefore, it is felt by the authors as an important task to investigate techniques aimed at sustaining multi-frequency performance when a multi constellation receiver installed in an aircraft is suddenly affected by radiofrequency interference, during critical phases of flight. This problem is identified for instance in [NATS, 2003]. Consequently, in this thesis, we investigate techniques to maintain dual frequency performances when a frequency is lost (L1 C/A or E1 OS for instance) after an interference occurrence.

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Communications numériques / Localisation et navigation

Article de conférence

SARGOS : Système d’Alerte et Réponse Graduée Off Shore

Auteurs : Giraud Marie-Annick, Van Gaver André, Napoli Aldo, Scapel Christian, Chaumartin Denis, Morel Michel, Itcia Eric et Bonacci David

In Proc. ANR Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale (WISG), Troyes, France, January 26-27, 2010.

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The SARGOS Project aims to satisfy the strong emerging need to improve safety for the civilian offshore infrastructures, sensitive to the actions conducted by spite, piracy or terrorism on sea. SARGOS brings a new and innovative answer in this field of maritime security. A special care is taken to comply with the infrastructures operational constraints and the contractual and legislative rules. The innovative part of the project is mainly the global approach used, based on three levels: a) The level of a safe detection of a small size marine object, in a small range protection area, with rough sea, using innovative CW radar waveforms improved by new efficient signal processing algorithms b) The level of construction of a response plan facing a detected intrusion, taking into account the progressive improvement of the knowledge and the kind of detected object defined by its characterisation attributes. The acquisition process allows appropriate responses taking into account the crisis situation. (Platform safety rules, geopolitical environment and legal aspects). c) The managing level of the variety of non-lethal response means, either internal to the offshore platform (safety mode), or external to reply to the menace (injunction, intimidation or activation of authorised means) and broadcast the alert to the local authorities.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Thèse de Doctorat

Traitement d'antenne SDMA pour système de télécommunications par satellite avec couverture dispersée

Auteur : Montesinos Julien

Defended in November 2009

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For national/international organisms, it is of utmost importance to own a communication mean over a wide zone able to connect, upon request, potentially dispersed users. To ensure the security of people even in areas difficult to access, to have at one’s disposal a system able to work even if surrounded by jamming stations. A satellite system with a direct radiating array (DRA) associated with a digital beamforming network (DBFN) and a space-time-position radio resource management allows to achieve these objectives thanks to a spatial division multiple access (SDMA). SDMA is the combination of a flexible resource allocation and adaptive beamforming. Given spatial constraints, low complexity and low sample support beamformers are required to use a SDMA strategy in order to allow an efficient use of frequency resources. The conditions to use such algorithms that are needed for a SDMA strategy are determined given the encountered operational context. SDMA benefits quantification shows that in peacetime the spectral efficiency and therefore the link rates are increased, while in a jammered environment, SDMA provides the ability to maintain some links that would be lost without the adaptive beamforming.

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Traitement du signal et des images et Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Article de journal

A Stochastic Model for Propagation through Ttissue

Auteur : Lacaze Bernard

IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelec. Freq. Contr., Vol. 56, n° 10, pp. 2180-2186, October, 2009.

Attenuation of ultrasonic waves is often assumed linear with respect to frequency in biological applications whereas it is considered quadratic when the propagation occurs in the atmosphere or the water. In the latter case, other studies show that a Gaussian propagation duration can explain this attenuation behavior and provide a model for the energy loss in the stationary limit. The present paper defines an equivalent random propagation duration with Cauchy distribution, which is appropriate for the propagation of ultrasound through tissue. The model adds an unobserved noise that represents the signal deterioration. In addition, the model agrees with the mode downshift in the case of a narrowband signal.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Study on the Scattering Characteristics of Stable-Stage Wake Vortices

Auteurs : Li Jianbing, Wang Xuesong, Wang Tao et Liu Zhongxun

Surveillance for a Safer World, pp. 1-5, October, 2009.

The present paper decomposes the study of wake vortex's scattering characteristics into three key problems. Based on the study of these three problems in detail, we obtained the scattering characteristics of the wake vortex, which include the frequency characteristic of RCS, the radiation pattern, the relation between RCS and the detection range, and the time evolution characteristic of RCS. Research findings can provide supports for the development of radar detection technology on wake vortex.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Article de conférence

Recovering Electrocardiogram Missing Samples in Wireless Transmissions

Auteurs : Prietro-Guerrero Alfonso, Mailhes Corinne et Castanié Francis

In Proc. Computers in Cardiology (CINC), Park City, Utah, USA, September 13-16, 2009.

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Considering the emergence of telemedicine applications, different links such as fixed access network (PSTN), mobile access network (GSM/GPRS and future UMTS) or satellite interfacing (DVB-RCS technology) are involved in e-health applications. These are liable to induce errors and/or missing packets on the received data. Therefore the recovering of missing samples for biomedical signals is of great interest. This paper proposes a reconstruction method for ECG signals which is a combination of a left-sided and right-sided autoregressive (AR) model, and the well-known Gerchberg-Papoulis (GP) method. The proposed interpolation algorithm takes into account the samples before and after the missing ones to estimate a forward and a backward AR model. These estimates are used as an initialization of the original GP method. Results show that this interpolation method represents a really suitable technique to ECG reconstruction in a possible corrupted transmission.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Optimal Configuration for Satellite PEPs using a Reliable Service on Top of a Routers-Assisted Approach

Auteurs : Lopez Pacheco Dino et Lochin Emmanuel

In Proc. International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications (IWSSC), Siena, Italy, September 09-11, 2009.

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Routers-assisted congestion control protocols, also known as Explicit Rate Notification (ERN) protocols, implement complex algorithms inside a router in order to provide both high link utilization and high fairness. Thus, routers assisted approaches overcome most of the end-to-end protocols problems in large bandwidth-delay product networks. Today, routers-assisted protocols cannot be deployed in heterogeneous networks (e.g., Internet) due to their non-compliance with current network protocols. Nevertheless, these approaches can be deployed in satellite networks in the context of splitting PEPs. In this work, as routers-assisted protocols can use TCP algorithms to enable reliability, we aim at understanding and providing a detailed view of the impact of such algorithms on the performance obtained by routers-assisted protocols over satellite links. In particular, we both study XCP and P-XCP proposals over long delay, lossy and asymmetric links and propose a ns-2 implementation of the P-XCP protocol to the satellite community. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first one which tackles the impact of TCP internal mechanisms on top of XCP protocol. Our main conclusion is that TCP New Reno Slow But Steady variant on top of P-XCP is to date, the most optimal configuration for satellite proxies.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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