
Articles, Thèses, Brevets, Séminaires, Livres, Notes techniques


Article de conférence

Vers une carte d'identité spectrale

Auteurs : Martin Nadine, Mailhes Corinne, Sahli Kheira et Lejeune Gérard

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 6-9, 2005.

This paper studies a new spectral analysis strategy for detecting, characterizing and classifying the different “spectral st ructures” of an unknown stationary process. A “spectra l structure” is defined as a sinusoidal wave, a narrow band signal or a noise peak. The spectral analysis strategy is based on the use of several successive and complementary spect ral analyses. Then, the proposed methodology provides a way to calculate a “spectral identity card” of each spectral struct ure, similarly to a real I.D. card. This I.D. card including all information related to this structure results from th e fusion of intermediate cards, which are obtained from different spectral analysis al gorithms. The I.D. card permits the classification of the detected spectral structur e into one of the following four classes: Pure Frequency, Narr ow Band, Alarm and Reject.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Amélioration de l'estimation spectrale par modélisation AR multi-dimensionnelle et découpage en sous-bandes

Auteurs : Bonacci David et Mailhes Corinne

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 6-9, 2005.

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Subband decomposition has been shown to achieve very good performances for frequency estimation, particularly when parametric methods are used. This paper introduces a subband multichannel autoregressive spectral estimation method allowing to exploit the knowledge of intercorrelations between subseries in order to improve frequency estimation performances. This method is detailled then applied to a signals composed by a sum of 2 close sinusoids embedded in noise. Simulation results illustrate the interest of the proposed method.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation

Amélioration de l'estimation spectrale par modélisation AR multi-dimensionnelle et découpage en sous-bandes

Auteurs : Bonacci David et Mailhes Corinne

In Proc. Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI), September 6-9, 2005.

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Le découpage en sous-bandes est réputé pour ses très bonnes performances en matière d’estimation fréquentielle, en particulier lorsqu’on utilise des méthodes paramétriques. Cet article présente une méthode d’estimation spectrale basée sur le découpage en sous-bandes et la modélisation auto-regressive multi-dimensionnelle qui permet d’exploiter la connaissance des inter-corrélations entre les signaux de sousbande afin d’améliorer les performances de l’estimation fréquentielle. Le principe de la méthode est présenté puis appliquée à la résolution de 2 fréquences très proches dans le cas de signaux composés de deux fréquences pures très proches noyées dans du bruit. Des simulations effectuées sur des données synthétiques illustrent les performances de ce nouvel estimateur qui ouvre des perspectives intéressantes.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Study of the CAC mechanisms for telecommunications systems with adaptive links according to propagation conditions

Auteurs : Tra Ferdinand, Radzik José, Bousquet Michel et Fraboul Christian

In Proc. International Workshop on Satellite and Space Communications 2005 (IWSSC 2005), pp. 855-859, Sienne, Italy, September, 2005.

This paper presents the framework and the activities of a PhD research work in progress supported by Alcatel Alenia Space in collaboration with TeSA and SUPAERO. It deals with Connection Admission Control (CAC) for Telecommunications Systems with adaptive links according to propagation conditions. Indeed, in high frequency bands communications, deep fadings may occur because of atmospheric propagation losses. The mitigation techniques used to counteract fades impacts the system capacity, therefore the CAC mechanism. The CAC which only uses current capacity information may lead to intolerable dropping of admitted connection, and thus breaches the QoS guarantees made upon connection acceptance. New CAC mechanisms shall be studied to take into account the capacity variation and the mitigation techniques (IFMT) developed to compensate the attenuation in Ka and above frequency range.

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Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Subband Decomposition Using Multichannel AR Spectral Estimation

Auteurs : Bonacci David, Mailhes Corinne et Castanié Francis

In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, USA, March 18-23, 2005.

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Subband decomposition has been shown to be a useful tool for spectral estimation, in particular when parametric methods have to be considered. Indeed, the loss of observed samples due to decimation can be compensated by the use of a suitable model, if available. This paper studies a subband multichannel autoregressive spectral estimation (SMASE) method. The proposed method decomposes the observed signal through an appropriate filter bank and processes the decimated signals by means of a multichannel autoregressive (AR) model. This model takes advantage of known correlations between different subband signals. This a priori knowledge allows to improve spectral estimation performance. Simulation results illustrate the interest of the proposed methodology for signals with continuous spectra and for sinusoids.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Autre

Improving High Resolution Spectral Analysis Methods for Radar Measurements Using Subband Decomposition

Auteurs : Bonacci David, Mailhes Corinne et Castanié Francis

In Proc. Int. Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT), Hamburg, Germany, March 15-16, 2005.

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This paper addresses the problem of spec-tral analysis on radar measurements using high res-olution methods. These methods have already been shown to yield better results than Fast Fourier Trans-form (FFT) based methods for accuracy on detected frequencies and more particularly for frequency res-olution. In most applications, these performances are closely related to the performances of range and veloc-ity estimation. In the paper, theoretical study shows the interest of subband decomposition for improving per-formances of frequency estimation in the case of the use of High Resolution methods, while it is shown to be inefficient when using FFT-based algorithms. Some elements of computational cost are given, in order to compare fullband and subband processing when using Fast Least Square Autoregressive (AR) algorithm. Fi-nally, experimental results are given, showing the inter-est of subband decomposition within the frame of radar signal processing either for accuracy and resolution on frequency estimation.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation

Comparison and Evaluation of Quality Criteria for Hyperspectral Imagery

Auteurs : Christophe Emmanuel, Leger Dominique et Mailhes Corinne

In Proc. SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, USA, vol. 5668, pp. 204-213, January 17-20, 2005.

Hyperspectral data appears to be of a growing interest over the past few years. However, applications for hyperspectral data are still in their infancy. Handling the significant size of hyperspectral data presents a challenge for the user community. To enable efficient data compression without losing the potentiality of hyperspectral data, the notion of data quality is crucial for the development of applications. To assess the data quality, quality criteria relevent to end-user applications are required. This paper proposes a method to evaluate quality criteria. The purpose is to provide quality criteria corresponding well to the impact of degradation on end-user applications. Several quality criteria adapted to hyperspectral context are evaluated. Finally, five criteria are selected to give a good representation of the degradation nature and level affecting hyperspectral data.

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Traitement du signal et des images / Observation de la Terre

The impact of High Resolution Spectral Analysis methods on the performance and design of millimetre wave FMCW radars

Auteurs : Bonacci David, Mailhes Corinne, Chabert Marie et Castanié Francis

In Proc. Int. Radar Conf. (Radar 2004), October 19-21, 2004.

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This paper addresses the problem of joint measures of range and velocity of moving targets using millimetre wave FMCW radar (in the 77 Ghz range) within the field of automotive applications. The proposed solution is to determine range and velocity using spectral estimation of downconverted signals, theoretically composed of multiple sine functions embedded in noise. As a consequence, their accuracy is closely related to the accuracy of frequency estimation. In this paper, High Resolution spectral analysis methods (such as Auto-Regressive or Prony modeling) are shown to strongly impact the technological design constraints of the radars. More precisely, for a given sampling frequency of the downconverted signal, these methods show their ability either to significantly reduce the bandwidth of the linear frequency modulated radar sweeps although keeping constant the frequency resolution, or, for a given technological design, increase the same figure of merit. Moreover, adequate pre-processing of the signal is described, yielding correction of some 'nasty' non-linear effects (VCO, mixers, ...) as well as denoising received signals. Theoretical study of the performances is given and illustrated on simulated and real signals (provided by the RadarNet project of the 5th Framework Program).

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Traitement du signal et des images / Localisation et navigation

Analysis of non ambiguous BOC signal acquisition performance Acquisition

Auteurs : Ries Lionel et Calmettes Vincent

In Proc. ION 2004, pp. 2611-2622, Long Beach, CA, United States, September, 2004.

The Binary Offset Carrier planned for future GNSS signal, including several GALILEO Signals as well as GPS M-code, presents a high degree of spectral separation from conventional signals. It also greatly improves positioning accuracy and enhances multipath rejection. However, with such a modulation, the acquisition process is made more complex. Specific techniques must be employed in order to avoid unacceptable errors. This paper assesses the performance of three method allowing to acquire and track BOC signal unambiguously : The Bump-jumping technique, The "BPSK-like" technique and the subcarrier Phase cancellation technique.

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Communications numériques / Systèmes spatiaux de communication

Group size estimation for hybrid satellite/terrestrial reliable multicast

Auteurs : Tourneret Jean-Yves et Fraboul Christian

In Proc. IFIP TC6 Workshops on Broadband Communication Systems (BSC 2004) join to 18th IFIP World Computer Congress, vol. 169, pp. 101-110, Toulouse, France, August, 2004.

This paper addresses the problem of group size estimation for hybrid satellite/terrestrial multipoint communications. Estimators based on the maximum likelihood principle are investigated. These estimators assume that a Nack suppression mechanism is implemented at transport layer. The performance of these estimators is studied theoretically and via simulations. The integration of an appropriate group size estimator in a transport mechanism is finally considered.

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Traitement du signal et des images et Réseaux / Systèmes spatiaux de communication


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